Wienchain Incubation DAO — An Ultimate Solution or Just a Tool for Startups?

Pukutu Review
8 min readAug 19, 2020


How successful are crypto launchpads and do they guarantee that the projects they back will end up being successful?

After crypto prices went through the roof in 2017, an eruption of new tokens, companies and products occured. With such a high level of consumer and corporate interest, many promising projects were inevitably lost in the crowd. Fortunately enough, some of cryptocurrency’s biggest names offer their services to a select few projects that are they have deemed promising.

Companies that pick and nurture these future projects are known as incubators. Since mid-2018, many fortunate companies have been guided through their developmental stages by such companies. While being selected by a prominent incubator gives a company a huge advantage over its competitors, it does not always end in success.

So, what is an incubator?

In the modern tech world, there is an enormous oversupply of startups. There are now blockchain solutions for problems that most people didn’t even know existed. But for many startups, being snapped up by a larger company is now the end goal. For crypto-related projects, aside from drawing the eye of a venture capital company, being selected for an incubator is the cryptocurrency equivalent of being bought out by Google at early stage.

Incubator firms scout out promising companies and guide them through the fundamental phases of development until they are robust enough to launch successfully on their own. But incubator firms are not operating out of compassion. The motivation for taking a chance on these companies is usually a significant chunk of equity, something that can transform into a hefty reward should the company become successful at a later date.

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Perhaps the most important resource available to projects through incubator companies is financial capital. Start-ups are famously short on cash, and a significant injection of funding — along with access to a wide variety of financial partners and advisors — can often lead to companies developing at a rapid rate. Aside from funding from the incubator company itself, selection can sometimes open the door to additional support from either government or university institutions.

Incubator companies often attract professionals with a decades-long history of venture capital, those with an eagle-eye for investment potential and are highly specialized experts in their fields. These seasoned professionals often act as consultants to the leaders of projects during the incubation phase.

The chief technology officer of the Interdax trading platform, Charles Phan, explained to Cointelegraph that while incubators grew out of the 2017 crypto mania, they have developed in 2019 into projects that seek to guarantee quality and revenue in a vastly different market:

“In 2019, launchpads started to gain traction and exchanges introduced these platforms for projects to issue their tokens, market them and also try to guarantee the quality of the project. Launchpads have also provided another stream of revenue for exchanges during the crypto bear market and a unique use case for exchange tokens (as a funding currency for IEOs). The teams behind cryptocurrency projects also gain, as there is certainty that their coin will be listed on an exchange and will receive a lot of exposure.”

In an ideal world, the incubator company swoops down on a rough-around-the-edges, yet promising young company and takes a nice chunk of equity. A little further down the line, the company is launched as a polished, efficient alumnus of the incubator that will attract further investor interest and generate profit for all stakeholders. But, as so often happens in the cryptocurrency sector, things do not always go to plan.

Wienchain tanks after launch

The evolution of value transfer has gone from the basics of value transfer to smart contract. Wienchain is a public blockchain managed by Decentralized autonomous organization(DAO) with focus on incubating and bridging businesses to enter the new era digital age with implementation of blockchain-based technology and DApps (decentralized applications) with the help of (i) Direct Send, instantaneous transactions; (ii)WienGovernance, the decentralized autonomous organization that will distribute block rewards to proposal that will shape and decide the future development of Wienchain; (iii) WienApp, applications can be built and transacted on the WIEN network ensuring that the application permanantely exist on a IPFS network; (iv) WienAsset, a platform for asset issuance with options to include metadata for the need of business logics; (v) WienIncubation, by using stake in the form of Asset, the shareholder can be easily traceable from the blockchain and automatically distribute the profit to the shareholder.

Wienchain is approaching the concept of DAOs from a user-centric perspective. Our major goal is to create value for people and align incentives for all stakeholders. We are looking at creating a new form of organization that can provide new options, solutions and innovative answers to a variety of trends in modern society such as the increasing numbers of digital jobs, liquid careers, global teamwork, project-based, self-determined office hours or even career limitations based on your nationality.

A massive opportunity

TimeCoinProtocol cited research from PwC that suggested the sharing economy generated $15 billion in value in 2015 and is expected to surge 2,133% to $335 billion by 2025. Big business is also expected for the gig economy. In five years’ time, this industry is expected to grow to $2.7 trillion, with Asia accounting for $1 trillion of this.

Wienchain has achieved 1.7 million transactions within 5 months since it was launched and this is an excellent result.
On top of that, there’s total of 28,950,000 WIEN locked in 1158 masternodes.

Wienchain Proof-of-Work

This is the type of algorithm used by our miners. Proof-of-Work is a concept in which a system which requires a feasible amount of work in order to deter malicious uses of computing power such as launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or sending spam emails. All transactions made on Wienchain are recorded on a public ledger to ensure that users don’t spend their holdings twice.

Tampering with the ledger is detected through hashes, long strings of numbers that also serve as proof of work. Place a given set of data through a hash function (X16Rv2), and it will only generate one hash. The hash is a one-way function; it cannot reverse engineered to obtain the original data. It can only be checked to determine whether the data that generated the hash matches the original data.

Wien Masternode Network Proof-of-Service

Proof-of-Service (PoSe) was a concept actualized to solve problems or shortcomings of the PoW method. The computing power needed to mine only increases as the difficulty increases resulting in consuming greater amounts of electricity. This isn’t really sustainable in the long run and miners might need to sell a generous amount of coin just to foot the bill.

The PoSe addresses this issue by instead awarding mining power proportional to the number of Masternode held by a miner. Therefore, a PoSe miner is limited to mining a percentage of transactions that are relative to the number of Masternode, unlike a PoW miner who utilizes raw energy (electricity).

Wien Masternode Network Operation

Masternodes are formed by depositing 25,000 WIEN to a wallet which will lead to the activation of the nodes, thus allowing it to multiply all across the network.

To be a Masternode, one must have the following:

  • 25,000 WIEN Collateral
  • Public IP Address
  • Masternode Signature (secondary public key)

How Wienchain will enable to future of work and collaboration

To further understand the value Weinchain DAO provides, let’s compare it to a traditional form of centralized, hierarchical, top-down organization. Here are some of the differences:

Overall process and participation

Unlike a centralized organization where the processes and job interviews aren’t transparent, Wienchain DAO has open participation based on rules written in code. Transparency is one of our highest values.

Globalization of an organization

Traditional organizations usually employ teams based on a certain location. Our DAO enables organizations to have decentralized teams contributing from all around the globe.

Flexible work schedule

No need to report to an office from 9 am-5 pm, Mondays to Fridays. You can now work in your own social networks on your own schedule through Wienchain DAO.

Clear distribution of funds

With DAO, there is an open and transparent distribution and pitching for funds compared to traditional organizations that have opaque salary distribution with low salaries at the bottom and high salaries on the top of a company’s hierarchy.

Fair distribution of powers

Decision powers within traditional companies are distributed within fixed top-down job positions. For DAOs, trust and decision powers are based on established rules.

Power to choose any job

With Wienchain DAOs, you will have the mindset of creating your own job rather than doing your job bounded by job descriptions.

Wienchain DAO

In summary, Wienchain DAO aims to decentralize traditional organizations giving you the freedom of work and collaboration. Next week we take a deep dive into the Wienchain proposal system!

In the meantime, we encourage you to join our fast-growing community.

As people continue to rethink topics like technology development, economic measures and freedom of speech because of the COVID-19 pandemic, blockchain has now emerged as a solution for many issues. Iva Wisher, co-founder of Ignite, a decentralized microblogging platform, said blockchain may also be a solution against state-sponsored censorship in today’s pandemic-related new normal.

Wienchain is an open business and incubation ecosystem on the Blockchain. It is designed as a low friction protocol everyone can build on. Entrepreneurs, freelancers, and teams can establish and run their businesses on Wienchain. Businesses are incentivized as they can participate in an open, public funding and proposal system. Anyone can pitch their ideas and ask for funds in the form of WIEN coins to realize it, but they have to decide what to ask for and what to give back in return.

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