Bias, Randomness, and Risks of Large Language Models in High-stakes Domains

Nguyen Ha Thanh
2 min readJul 21, 2023


In the expanding universe of artificial intelligence (AI), Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 have demonstrated their prowess in crafting human-like text, assisting research, and facilitating numerous applications. As impressive as their capabilities are, a critical examination exposes notable aspects at play, namely bias and randomness. However, when LLMs are applied in high-stakes domains, such as law and healthcare, these traits can present considerable risks.

Walking the tightrope: Bias, Randomness, and the Risks of LLMs in High-Stakes Domains
Walking the tightrope: Bias, Randomness, and the Risks of LLMs in High-Stakes Domains

Understanding Bias

Bias in machine learning, and LLMs in particular, represents a systematic error or distortion in predictions, a result of certain assumptions within the learning algorithm. LLMs learn from their training data, so if that data holds implicit biases — racial, gender, cultural, or topic-specific — those biases will likely emerge in the model’s outputs.

Bias can adversely affect LLMs in two significant ways. Firstly, it could lead the model to produce inappropriate or offensive content. Secondly, it may restrict the model’s ability to produce diverse outputs, favoring certain types of responses based on the biases in the training data.

LLMs in High-Stakes Domains: Law and Healthcare

In domains such as law and healthcare, the implications of bias can be far-reaching. An LLM trained on biased legal texts might provide advice that unfairly favors one demographic over another. In healthcare, a model could prioritize certain treatments based on biased data, leading to skewed or harmful medical advice.

The Role of Randomness

Randomness is the inherent variability in the outputs of LLMs. Given the same input, an LLM may produce varying outputs due to a mechanism known as “sampling.” While this randomness can aid the model’s creativity and flexibility, it may also result in unpredictable and sometimes irrelevant responses.

In high-stakes domains like law and healthcare, the consequences of such randomness can be particularly alarming. Irrelevant or inconsistent legal advice or medical recommendations could lead to severe legal and health repercussions, respectively.

Striking the Balance

The challenge lies in balancing bias and randomness in LLMs. An excess of bias could lead to skewed or discriminatory output, while extreme randomness could produce erratic, potentially dangerous advice.

Tackling bias necessitates rigorous and representative data collection, comprehensive preprocessing techniques, and ongoing post-training monitoring. Controlling randomness involves adjusting parameters like the “temperature” in the model’s sampling function, which influences the degree of randomness in the responses.

In conclusion, while LLMs symbolize a remarkable stride in natural language processing and AI, their use in high-stakes sectors must be meticulously managed. By understanding and addressing bias and randomness, we can fully leverage the capabilities of LLMs, ensuring their outputs are not just innovative but also ethical and safe.



Nguyen Ha Thanh

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