Neluns Bank !! WHAT IS THIS ?

Nguyễn Quyết
2 min readAug 28, 2018


this is ??
The first element of the ecosystem is the Neluns Bank. Which is a licensed commercial bank, officially registered in accordance with all regulatory requirements. The Neluns Bank presents a broad spectrum of services for physical and legal entities. While all operations are available in fiat and in cryptocurrencies. During the first stage, Neluns Bank will carry out activities combining classical banking and banking on the Blockchain. In the future, Neluns Bank, together with its partners, will transition to its own Blockchain for international settlement purposes. The utilization of leading technologies allows us to create financial products, access to which will be available around the clock from any part of the world.

however Mobile application for iOS and Android OF neluns
Applications for iOS and Android will make it easy to transfer, exchange operations, receiving and giving out loans in fiat and cryptocurrencies (p2p-crediting) just in two clicks. The iOS and Android applications will allow you to make all possible trade operations within the Neluns ecosystem: buy and sell cryptocurrencies on the Neluns Exchange in one click, make an interest receiving deposit in the Neluns Bank, receive a loan from the Neluns Bank, provide or receive a loan on the P2P-platform, make transactions anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. The pictures below demonstrate how the iOS and Android applications work.
Issuance of bank cards After receiving a bank license and connecting to SWIFT, we will connect Neluns Bank to a variety of payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and others). As an issuing bank, Neluns will perform the following functions: • Issuance of bank cards to clients. • Authorization of payments at the request of retail outlets. • Payment of merchant accounts by writing off corresponding amounts from the client accounts. • Issuing cash money in any partnering ATM’s of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, worldwide. • Security (blocking of accounts in the case of lost cards, etc.)

