How to Travel Cheap as a Cute Asian Girl

Trang Six
13 min readMay 26, 2018
With a ukulele as my spoon and, a few paintings to hook passers-by, I earned travel expenses and dinners.

When fellow seniors were busy hunting jobs or sleeping lectures, I packed my bags and left town to travel.

I had less than 100 dollars in cash and no return date.

Here is the lead-in: I had been letting travelers lodging in my room for free for a while. My boring town turns a bit more lively as we explore its hidden charms together. At one point, I became close to a group of like-minded wanderers and it was fun.

Then, they all left. And I felt empty again.

One gentleman from the group suggested that we could travel together. He spoke my mind, plus I felt lovely with his presence for the past few days. I finished all my credits and only have the graduation thesis left. It’s okay to pack my laptop + reading materials, leave the town, and write. After all, I am writing about Jack Kerouac (❤), the author of On the Road, so I better preach what I read. I also planned to do an exhibition of my drawings and poetry. A trip would definitely breed creative inspirations and networking opportunities.

Say no more, in bocca al Lupo!

I am a disastrous solo-traveler, and notorious for making my parents worried. I wanted to make sure that this time it will be adventurous + safe + cheeeaaap. I need to consider three variables: transportation, lodging and travel



Trang Six

Ciao ciao. I'm 100% fish sauce. All hype for JC & value-driven products.