Ngwentah Ngwalem
3 min readOct 21, 2018

Cameroon:Biya’s Culture of Intimidation|Security Forces Surround Kah Walla’s Residence

The results of the 2018 elections are to be announced tomorrow, the 22nd of October. Cameroonians have vowed to go out and match to protest the reelection of President Biya. Most Cameroonians are sure that even though there is enough evidence to proof Biya is not the popular candidate and did not get most of the people’s votes , he will most likely win the presidential elections, as usual. This has caused the military to be on high alert . They are now stationed in different parts of the country to ensure Cameroonians do not protest. Citizens in the francophone regions of the country have reported the heavy presence of the military at many crossroads. This is typical with Biya’s regime. His use of force to maintain power is manifesting during this post election period.

Voting effectively never took place in Anglophone regions as a result of the armed conflict. In fact, from reports, one is forced to wonder the number of people who voted. It must have been an extremely insignificant minority. The minority who voted in these regions were mostly members of government heavily guarded by the military or security officers themselves guarding polling stations. Threats of protests in other regions have lightened military presence in the Anglophone regions .

Ms Edith Kah Walla, President of the Cameroonian People’s Party has reported being blocked at her residence by security forces. She is one of the leading actors who has been very vocal about her determination to fight for an overhaul transformation of the country through a change of regime. While at home in Douala this morning, she was informed by displaced children currently taking refuge at her home as a result of the armed conflict in the Anglophone regions of the presence of security forces.

She sent out information to civil society actors in the morning saying:

My home at Bonapriso is currently surrounded by about 30 policemen. They’ve used a pick-up truck to block the gate. They’re armed with machine guns and wearing riot gears: helmets, bullet proof vests

Madam Kah Walla being chatty and relaxed with security officers following orders to monitor and possibly restrict her.

Nevertheless, she informed everyone who seeks change like her not to be worried and says she is more determined than ever. She encourages everyone to maintain the existing pressure on the government.

We are more than calm. I have many children and displaced people at home who were a bit frightened seeing uniform officers whom they associate with shootings. We reassured them. Aside from that everyone is safe and sound. Personally, I am more determined than ever. We must maintain the pressure. This also counts. Courage. Together. Victory!!!!

Known for her consistency and desire to see a reformed Cameroon, Ms Walla never stood in for the presidential elections and insisted that a peaceful change of regime is more necessary than her being in power. If you are interested in being a part of the movement for change, click on Stand-Up For Cameroon, like the page, follow and be part of their activities.