I Love My Mac, but Apple Just Isn’t Fun Anymore

How the tech company went from rebellious to corporate

Noah Halford
14 min readSep 12, 2017
WWDC 2017. Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

I’ve been following Apple for a long time. I went to Macworld for the first time when I was 10, I first stood in line for a product release when I was 13, and I’ve been a shareholder since I was 14. I wouldn’t consider myself an Apple “fanboy.” (Then again, who would?) Maybe “enthusiast” could work, but it’s not my favorite word. “Loyalist” isn’t much better, but I guess I can live with it. In any case, although I use a number of Google services, I am otherwise pretty much fully invested in the Apple ecosystem.

Over the past year or so, I’ve noticed that I’m not as excited about Apple as I used to be. I still watch the livestream of every Apple event (and live tweet them to all three of the people who follow me on Twitter), but I’ve started to find them less exciting. For a while I wondered if it was because I was becoming older and more jaded, or perhaps getting a degree in computer science has made technology less “magical.” Maybe it’s because pretty much everything leaks before it’s announced, so there are few surprises during the actual event. While all of these things may be true, I believe the biggest change is that Apple has lost its charm and sense of whimsy.



Noah Halford

UChicago '16, ETHZ '18. Interested in physics and tech.