3 Reasons Why You Should Write An Amazon Book Review.

Nailah Harvey, M.A.
2 min readJan 7, 2017


I know what it’s like to support people in spirit and not in action because you’re not sure if your small act of kindness will make a difference. Well, let me tell you firsthand that something as simple as leaving an Amazon book review for an author can help tremendously in that author’s writing career. How, you ask? Let me inform you by giving 3 reasons why you should write an Amazon book review:

1|| It encourages writers to hone in on their craft

Whether it’s a positive or negative review, there’s still a lesson that can be learned from another person’s opinion. A review can confirm the literary genre that best fits the author’s writing style, or can highlight a writing style that doesn’t best fit an author.

Transparent testimony time! A book review for my first book made me aware of the grammar mistakes that were made in my work. Ouch! Although it was embarrassing, it was necessary for my writing growth. I didn’t want to be known as THAT writer. (We all know what “that” means.)

2|| It boosts authors’ rankings A.K.A. street cred (as I like to call it)

NOTE: Once a book has 10 reviews, it’s eligible to be included in the “also bought” listing, as well as the “you might like” recommendations. These listings, in turn, add to the number of sales the book is likely to receive.

3|| It helps future supporters make wise decisions

When readers and supporters look for books online, we read the reviews to gauge whether or not our money will be well spent. At least I do. :)

That being said, I urge all of my current (and future) supporters who have purchased my second-to-last book to take a few minutes to leave me an Amazon book review. It’s as simple as (1) logging into Amazon.com, (2) typing my book title, Chapter 30: How To Make Less Regretful Decisions In Your 20s in the search box, and (3) clicking on the yellow button that says, WRITE A CUSTOMER REVIEW. To make life even easier, you can simply click here and the link which will take you directly to my book on Amazon.

Love you forever.


