Granite State Women for Elizabeth Warren

NH for Warren
3 min readNov 8, 2019


An Open Letter –

New Hampshire voters take their responsibility to vet presidential candidates seriously. As women in the Granite State legislature, we have even higher expectations for the candidates we support to build our economy, prioritize our families, and lead our country.

The leader we need in the White House is Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren is running for president to fight for our families and get our government back on track — it should be working for all of us, not just the small sliver at the top. Our democracy is hurting. Cuts to public education funding, the rollback of environmental regulations, skyrocketing health care costs, and an inability to take on gun violence, amongst more, threaten how regular Americans can make it today.

Every person should have an equal stake in our democracy, a seat at the table. The folks at the top shouldn’t have any more influence over decisions for all of us than every day Granite Staters who are trying to live out their American dream.

Elizabeth’s plans are all tied together by a common thread — putting an end to the corruption that has led to many New Hampshire families being left behind, and making sure our government works for everyone. Her founding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which has already returned more than $12B to Americans from corporate greed, is proof that she’s not afraid to fight to help families. Alongside her plans to fix who the government works for, her plans to guarantee access to quality, affordable child care, invest in public education, and expand reproductive rights would make sure that every family has access to the same opportunities she did growing up.

So many of Elizabeth’s plans are closely tied to her experiences as a mother, student, and beyond. After growing up in Oklahoma, she paid $50 per semester to finish her college education in Houston, which allowed her to follow her dreams to become a teacher. She understands that higher education opens doors for young people, but that it has been pushed out of reach for many Americans — and that’s why, as president, she will invest in education so public college is free of cost for everyone.

As a working mother, Elizabeth struggled to balance work with her family, and would have quit her job teaching law were it not for her aunt moving to help support her and take care of her kids. She also knows that having two working parents often means families have to pay high costs for child care — if they can find help at all. That’s why she has a plan to guarantee high-quality child care and early education for every child in America from birth to school age. It will be free for millions of American families, and affordable for everyone.

We have a long road ahead of us to make our government work for Granite State families again. Elizabeth isn’t afraid of the challenge ahead, because she knows that’s what our country needs, and what our families deserve. She’s taken on a hard fight and won, and has proven herself to be a champion for the people. As New Hampshire state legislators, we know how important these qualities are. Our constituents depend on us to stay in the fight, even — and especially — when it’s hard. Elizabeth has shown that she won’t back down — and that’s why we’re proud to be supporting her for president.


State Rep. Debra Altschiller, Stratham

State Rep. Jackie Chretien, Manchester

State Rep. Francesca Diggs, Rumney

State Rep. Sue Ford, Easton

State Rep. Elaine French, Littleton

State Rep. Julie Gilman, Exeter

State Rep. Gaby Grossman, Exeter

State Rep. Peg Higgins, Rochester

State Rep. Nicole Klein Knight, Manchester

State Rep. Connie Lane, Concord

State Rep. Tamara Le, North Hampton

State Rep. Becky McBeath, Portsmouth

State Rep. Liz McConnell, Brentwood

State Rep. Kat McGhee, Hollis

State Rep. Rebecca McWillliams, Concord

State Rep. Mary Jane Mulligan, Hanover

State Rep. Sharon Nordgren, Hanover

State Rep. Suzanne Smith, Hebron

State Rep. Kathy Stack, Merrimack

State Rep. Laurel Stavis, West Lebanon

State Rep. Deb Stevens, Nashua

State Rep. Sandy Swinburne, Marlborough

State Rep. Wendy Thomas, Merrimack

State Rep. Yvonne Thomas, Berlin

State Rep. Edith Tucker, Randolph

State Rep. Sue Vail, Nashua

State Rep. Ivy Vann, Peterborough

State Rep. Safiya Wazir, Concord

State Rep. Joyce Weston, Plymouth



NH for Warren

The official Medium account of Elizabeth Warren‘s fight for big, structural change in the Granite State. Text NH to 24477 to join our grassroots movement!