Finding/re-creating a lost bid on

2 min readJun 30, 2017


Alex Van de Sande posted a great guide to re-creating bid that you can’t find in your JSON file. That link is here:

I made a cookbook template to do step by step:

1. owner name/address here:
2. name you want here
3. put name into and add 0x in front and copy in line 4 below
4. here is the hash of the name you want. It will be used in step 14 below under hash
5. amount you bid in ether here and enter that amount in ether line of: then copy the number at the top put in 6 below
6. this is the value AND depositAMOUNT generally in wei. It will be used in step 14 under value
7. mastersalt here
8. mastersaltname you want here (just append the name to your mastersalt without any space and in lowercase)
9. of step 8 here and put 0x in front and paste to line 10
10. this is the secret
11. put step 10 in and again add 0x and paste it in line 12
12. this is your “hexsecret” it will be used as “salt” in line 14 below
13. go to:
14. note line 2. shaBid hash (bytes32), owner (address), value (uint256), salt (bytes32) Query
15. put hash from line 4, owner from line 1, value from line 6, salt (hexsecret) from line 12 and push Query copy result created under modify to line 16
16. this is your shabid
17. now look at line 5. sealedBids <input> (address), <input> (bytes32) Query
18. put owner name in first input address and put shabid in second input and press Query
19. look at result. if an address, then you’re good. If 0x00000…. try another mastersalt. leave the page as it is and only change the one thing “hexsecret”
20. to do another mastersalt, leave the form filled out and just do step 7–12 above then put the result (hexsecret) of 12 in the salt (last field of line 2 in form), press query to get the shabid and input that again into line t and see if it’s and address or 0x000.
21. continue until you get an address. if you get an address create a JSON bid using template below and append it to your existing JSON bid.

“_id”:”W43yyoydBPLW7w2Lx”, <random. change character to be unique>
“date”:1497625514274, <can leave this alone>
“mastersalt”:”from line 7",
“depositAmount”:”from line 6",
“name”:”from line 2",
“hash”:”from line 4",
“value”:”from line 6",
“owner”:”from line 1",
“secret”:”from line 10",
“hexSecret”:”from line 12",
“shaBid”:”from line 16"

The above may or may not work to give you a successful reveal in If it fails during reveal period, go over to and use the hexsecret from line 12 above as the “secret phrase” instead of the three words suggested.




Written by nhirsch

NH&A, LLC Network Security

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