LUXURY Cat your butt napkins my lord poster

4 min readAug 28, 2020


Cats are considered by many to be distant and apathetic pets, especially when compared to dogs. However, a recent study has stated that: cats can actually understand the voice of the owner.

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Researchers in Japan have found that cats can distinguish their owner’s voice from others, meaning they can fully listen carefully if a pet tries to talk.

Researchers from the University of Tokyo ran a test experiment on cats in their families. They hear recordings of voices of strangers and family members.

Cats respond to voices by moving their heads or ears closer to the person they spoke to. When the cat detects a familiar voice, their pupils begin to contract. That is a signal of excitement, according to Discovery Channel.

Cats are able to distinguish their owner’s voice from others, meaning they can listen attentively if the owner tries to talk.
These reactions can become stronger when the cat hears the voices of its most intimate owner, or as they become more and more exposed to unfamiliar voices.

Co-author of this study, Saito Atsuko, explained on web pages that domesticated dogs are often amused by “doing almost everything their owners ask, but cats are not. So cats sometimes feel a sense of seclusion, but they have a really attached relationship with the owner. “

She added that modern cats, after evolution, have learned to not express their emotions in order to survive.
For example, diseases, cats have a tendency to hide because “in the wild, no one can rescue them and the exposed weakness will attract the attention of predators”, she said. said.

The researchers also added that: after 10,000 years of being domesticated and raised by humans, cats have gained the ability to communicate with us, and in general, we seem to be able to understand them, too.

One day, humans may talk to pets using communication tools the size of cell phones.
This study was published in Animal Cognition, just weeks after an animal behavior expert stated: one day humans could talk to pets using communication tools. is about the size of a cell phone.

Professor Con Slobodchikoff, University of Northern Arizona, is developing a technology that can translate the language of pasture dogs, and says the technology can be further extended to use in caves. other objects. He also believes that, one day, the technology could allow humans to talk back to pets and engage in their conversation.

By that point, when a dog says, “Woof,” the analyzer will tell you: he wants to eat chicken tonight.
When the cat says “meow”, you will understand: you haven’t cleaned the litter box lately. And their gentle “grunt” will be an expression of love and happiness.

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