Part 2 — From Adversity To Algorithms: The Journey Of Emily Hoang

Emily Hoang
3 min readOct 3, 2023


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Chapter 2: Broken Dreams

After the scholarship fell through, I continued my years in a public high school. With the burden of paying for my tuition, books and other living expenses, I could see the struggle that my parents faced. It became an ever-present reality. Their unwavering commitment to my education was a testament to their love and the sacrifices they willingly made. It was a stark reminder of the immense pressure they carried on their shoulders. The only thing I could do was focus solely on my studies. I immersed myself in my academic pursuits, determined to excel despite the formidable odds stacked against me.

Through countless hours of study, sleepless nights, and an unyielding dedication to my coursework, I consistently rose to the top of my class. And I didn’t stop there; I eagerly embraced opportunities to contribute to the school’s advanced teams, tackling complex subjects like mathematics, literature, and English… Upon graduation, a door to higher education swung open as I received the coveted acceptance letter to study marketing at a university nestled in a Southern city in Vietnam. It was a moment of boundless enthusiasm and a realization of a long-cherished dream.

Brimming with excitement, I couldn’t wait to share this remarkable news with my parents, who had stood by my side throughout my academic journey. When I shared the news, their eyes lit up with pride, reflecting the deep hope they had for my future.

Not long after that, I packed my bags and moved to that distant city. With little more than a suitcase and a heart full of hope, I settled in with my sister, who graciously offered me a place to stay.

Before the university’s academic year commenced, I knew I had a monumental challenge ahead — the daunting tuition fees. The cost was nothing short of staggering, and I had only a few short months to prepare.

As a young girl who never left the small town I was born in for 18 years, the only job that I could get in that city was becoming a factory worker.

For three long months, I spent day and night, working gruelling twelve-hour shifts to save every cent I could. With sweat and determination, I managed to accumulate just enough to cover the tuition for a single year. It was a bittersweet victory, as I knew it was only a temporary reprieve from the financial strain.

The first year at the University of Marketing was a whirlwind of excitement, growth, and learning. I was like a sponge, absorbing every piece of knowledge that came my way. I made friends, built connections, and started to see my dreams inch closer to reality.

However, as the end of the year approached, so did a harsh reality. The tuition for the following year loomed large, and despite my relentless efforts to secure financial aid or scholarships, the gap remained insurmountable. Despite the unwavering support of my family and the meagre earnings from my part-time jobs, the amount of university fees loomed as an unconquerable obstacle. The weight of this realization pressed heavily on my heart, casting a shadow over my dreams of pursuing higher education.

After much contemplation, I made the heart-wrenching decision to forego the pursuit of further studies. Instead, I chose a path of responsibility and sacrifice, one that entailed contributing to my family’s income. It was a choice that was not made lightly but was driven by a deep sense of duty and a profound love for my family.

The dreams of university life and a degree in marketing, once so vivid and attainable, now seemed to slip through my fingers like grains of sand. Nevertheless, I embraced my new role with resilience and determination, determined to do everything in my power to alleviate the financial burdens my family faced.

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Emily Hoang

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