Caterpillar Journey Week 5

Nia Rosy
3 min readFeb 27, 2022


This week is soooo much fun!!. I was getting along in a virtual camp, and met my very new friends. I think that’s the most interesting part this week, as I ate my “focus food" still with Buteyko Breathing, I was also gave a share knowledge about that on “the show"😆 very nice moments. I feel so energized!

I change the journal format this time, I combine it with my handwriting, since a lot of thing to be compiled, ha ha, technical issue and I don’t want to get attached with it, I made my simple mode.

Go for another mile, and these what I enjoy, in order:

  1. Virtual Camp Festive
    I met 12 cutie caterpillars. Got very enjoyable chit chat with 3 of them, just because we share same ground passion. Gotta continue our chit chat for sureee. The interesting thing that from 12, Self Healing family reach the highest rank of the favorite live apples. What’s wrong with healing? Mommies need to be healed I suppose, hehe.

2. My MAIN Apple
Patrick McKeown, still being my number one source of knowledge. Through channel Buteyko Clinic International I learn how he guide us to a breathing practice with kids.

That’s that my week #5. I thought before completing my next week’s assignment, I gotta immersed myself with James Nestor Book. I want to make the resume of what I read. To complete my basic understanding of Buteyko.




Nia Rosy

your budgeting bestie, your life-journey buddy ; )