Bloom’s Taxonomy Meets ChatGPT

Niall McNulty
7 min readAug 25, 2023

I like Bloom’s Taxonomy so much that I wrote a book about it. Recently, I’ve been exploring how this long-standing educational framework synergises with ChatGPT to foster intellectual growth and critical thinking across six cognitive levels.

Background to Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy is more than just a hierarchical model; it’s a versatile framework that enables educators to design lessons, assessments, and activities targeting various cognitive levels. Created by Benjamin Bloom in 1956, the taxonomy has been revised and expanded, encompassing six distinct cognitive levels:

  1. Remember: Recall facts and basic concepts.
  2. Understand: Explain ideas or concepts.
  3. Apply: Use information in new situations.
  4. Analyze: Draw connections among ideas.
  5. Evaluate: Justify a stance or decision.
  6. Create: Produce new or original work.

These levels guide teachers in progressing students from foundational knowledge to higher-order thinking skills, fostering intellectual growth and critical thinking.

Overview of ChatGPT in Education

ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI, represents a technological innovation…



Niall McNulty
Niall McNulty

Written by Niall McNulty

Product lead. AI in Education. Writing about using technology to create meaningful impact.