Beginners Guide to Python, Part1: Lists

Niall McNulty
The Startup
Published in
8 min readApr 24, 2020


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Hello! My name is Niall and this is my very first data related blog. For the past 10 years, I lived and worked in Beijing, China. Wanting a change and new challenge in life, I decided to relocate to London and pursue a career in data science. I recently finished a data science immersive bootcamp and thought I would like to share my journey and what I learned with other aspiring data scientists. During my bootcamp, when I thought all hope was lost and I was in despair (whether it be figuring out for loops, or bayesian models), this site offered a lot of help to me personally, so I thought I would return the favour!

In this post I’ll touch upon lists. My next few posts will all be geared towards python practice (dictionaries, for and while loops, control flows and functions, list comprehension, vectors and matrices and finally some data visualisation with Python libraries, such as Matplotlib and Seaborn). We will then finish off with a mini project to consolidate all of the skills we have learned.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch or comment below. Learning python can be quite frustrating at first, but I assure you, with time and practise, it gets easier! And there is a massive online community that are more than willing to help out fellow coders.



Niall McNulty
The Startup

I’m a junior data scientist who enjoys long-distance running, football, travelling, reading, food, programming… the list could go on. Never stop learning!