5 Tools that Are Good for Your Business AND Your Mental Health

Nia Patterson
4 min readAug 9, 2023


Hey there, fellow business dynamos!

It is Nia here, swooping in to chat about something that’s crucial for every entrepreneur: mental health. Whew.

Many of us entrepreneurs and biz owners know all too well that running a business can be a rollercoaster of stress and excitement. Keeping everything on track while maintaining your own sanity can sometimes feel like an Olympic feat. Fear not, because I am brining you a treasure trove of tools that’ll not only keep your business ship sailing smoothly but also ensure you’re thriving mentally. Let’s dive right in!

☑️ #1: ClickUp — Where Organization Meets Magic

ClickUp is your go-to solution for the ultimate organizational wizardry. Whether it’s juggling projects, managing tasks, or handling clients and customer info, ClickUp has got your back.

🧠 This is where I keep my brain…

With an actually cost-effective pricing system that lets you keep your team, clients, and YOU organized for a reasonable price! This tool is a gem. The cherry on top? ClickUp is accessible on your phone too! Keeping you in the loop no matter where you are. Talk about convenience!

💻 #2: Wavebox.io — Making Your Brainwaves Work for You

Okay, okay, now meet Wavebox.io — an absolute haven for keeping your tab-overloaded brain in check and your go to apps and websites safe and secure. If ClickUp is where I keep my thoughts, this is the nervous system running the ship. I work almost exclusively out of Wavebox.io everyday and the only time I leave the app is for things like video conferencing or text messages.

This is where all the apps you use on the daily are organized, brought together, and housed. We LOVE it here!

Not only do you keep yourself organized but think about collaborating with your team, sharing your insights, and keeping your business aspirations organized.

But it’s not just about organization. Wavebox.io ensures your business’s efficiency by allowing you to create and tick off task lists seamlessly. No more chasing your tail, my friend!

🧺 #3: Poplin — Bid Farewell to Laundry Woes

Poplin’s the answer to your laundry and executive dysfunction woes and prayers. Let’s face it, entrepreneur life can get messy — literally. Poplin picks up your laundry and returns it crisp and clean. You’re freed from the clutches of folding and washing, leaving you with more time to chase your business dreams.

Think of it as a productivity power-up. Instead of losing precious hours to laundry, you’re investing that time where it counts.

⏲️ #4: Toggl Track — Time Tracking for Effortless Efficiency

If time is money, then Toggl is your financial guardian. This time-tracking tool is a freelancer’s or really any business owner’s best friend. This little app makes sure that all your deadlines are kept, your time tracking is on point, and quality for your clients isn’t sacrificed.

Break your tasks into manageable time chunks, set goals for getting things done and ACTUALLY know if you missed them or made them, and truly gain insight into your business’ time allocation. For solo warriors and small business champs, Toggl is your ticket to effective work management.

🤳 #5: Metricool — Tame Your Social Media Beast

Last but def not least, let’s get your social media organized and scheduled. I know that posting to social media can be a demanding beast, but Metricool has your back. It’s the ace up your sleeve for scheduling and planning content. Spend more time crafting your business’s growth strategy and less time agonizing over social media schedules.

Oh, and that’s not all! Metricool also lets you track performance metrics across all your social media platforms in one convenient place.

So…remember…even amidst the hustle and bustle of business, your mental health ALWAYS deserves a front-row seat. These tools are your trusty companions for keeping both your entrepreneurial journey and your mental wellbeing on point. So, go forth, conquer, and thrive like the superstar you are!

Sending you heaps of organizational and mental empowerment,

Nia ✨

🧠 Want more of my favorite tips, tricks and tools for keeping ADHD, Biz, and Social Media on point?

📑 Grab my Digital Guide! Insta-preneur: A Guide to Crushing Social Media for Small Brands + Entrepreneurs. It’s $8 and over 30 page long of tools, FAQs, and ACTIONABLE STEPS. I help overthinking, overanxious millennial entrepreneurs run their businesses seamlessly and easily! Jump In! GRAB MY GUIDE HERE! →

📞 You can also book in to work WITH me! Not sure where you fit or what you need help with? Schedule a FREE discovery call and let me help you figure out where you fit or what is the best option to getting your business in tip-top shape! BOOK YOUR CALL WITH ME HERE →



Nia Patterson

Nia Patterson (they/them) is a well-respected business coach, serial entrepreneur, and mental health advocate. They focus mainly on helping ADHD creatives grow!