Fire Stick Farming & Indigenous Learning

Dion Groove
3 min read4 days ago

Blak Loud, and Proud — Keep the Fire Burning

First Nations People — Indigenous Knowledge — NAIDOC Week

Fire Country — Victor Steffensen — Photo Amazon

A Pussy Cat Tale

Lady Donga Diaries

Meow 398

Today, in the spirit of Indigenous Australia’s NAIDOC week, my human slave and I listened to Larrissa Behrendt and her ABC Radio program — Speaking out.

The NAIDOC theme for 2024 as mentioned previously in Lady Donga Diaries is Blak, Loud and Proud — Keep the fire Burning — our hot topic for today — fires — and control thereof.

Larrissa says NAIDOC week (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) was born out of protest from Indigenous Australians speaking out in the 1920’s — on issues that needed support — and to embrace indigenous culture.

Larrisa spoke to Victor Steffensen — a descendant of Tagalaka People from Australia’s gulf country in North Queensland.

Victor’s work restores traditional knowledge values — particularly traditional burning (bush fire management) — and runs workshops for Aboriginal Communities and non-Indigenous Australians.

Victor is a co-founder of National Indigenous Fire Workshops — workshops hosted around Australia, and with First Nations connections in the…



Dion Groove

Cat saves Human - Human saves Cat Tales of where reality shares space with creative fantasy . Dion🧙🏿‍♂️is a medium writer for Lady Donga's purrs & paws🐱🐾🐾