10 Traits That He Is A Nice Guy

If a guy possesses most of these characteristics, he is a nice guy

4 min readMay 16, 2022
Photo by Teddy Joseph from Pexels

Nice guys are everywhere; you will see them at work, school, shopping malls, restaurants, etc. Perhaps you have probably come across one of them, or you have interacted or dated some of them.

Before detailing the 10 behaviors of a nice guy, I want to establish a working definition of a nice guy that I will use throughout.

Who is a nice guy?

A nice guy is a guy who believes that if he is good, generous, looking good, doing things right, making others happy, and caring, he will, in return, be happy, loved, and fulfilled.

However, he never gets the happiness or love he longs for desperately; as a result, he becomes frustrated.

With that in mind, here I detail 10 traits that a nice guy possesses.

1 — He is generous or a giver

A nice guy believes that giving to others or being generous makes him feel good, and his generosity depicts how good he is and will make others love him and appreciate him for all he does.

2 — He does not prioritize his needs

A nice guy will deprive himself of his priorities and think it is selfish to put his needs first. And he believes that he is virtuous when he puts the needs of others ahead of his own.

3 — He is a caretaker and finds solutions to problems

A nice guy usually strives to solve others’ problems or fix the situation often without being asked to do so.

In other words, if another person has a need, problem, stress out, sad or depressed, a nice guy will always attempt to help them.

4 — He seeks approval from other people

A nice guy is always seeking external validation from others. So at the core of what he does or say is at some level meant to gain others’ approval or avoid their disapproval.

This rings true, especially in his relationship with women; he always has a hidden agenda (sex).

5 — He seeks the right way to do everything

Since he strives to avoid trouble, he will always seek the right way to do things, and he believes that there is a formula to having happy or conflict-free life.

He is convinced that nothing will ever go wrong if he discerns the right way to do everything.

6 — He supresses his feelings

He doe not want to show emotions; he always strives to put his feeling under control like a Stoic.

Notably, a nice guy prefers to analyze rather than feel; he sees feeling as a waste of time and energy.

7 — He is more comfortable relating to women than men

A nice guy tends to have a few male friends, perhaps most probably due to his upbringing when he was a child. He seeks girls’ or women’s approval and tries to show that he is different from other guys.

He is convinced that he is not selfish, emotional jerk, abusive, or arrogant — characteristics he often links to other men or bad guys.

8 — He avoids conflict or problem

A nice will do everything possible to avoid conflict; he does not want to get into trouble with others.

He wants his world to be smooth or problem-free, so he avoids doing things or saying something that will upset others.

9 — He makes his partner his emotional center

A nice guy will only feel happy if he finds that his partner is happy; he, therefore, puts in a lot of effort to make his partner happy or put more energy and time into his intimate relationship.

10 — He Strives to distinguish himself from his father

The father of a nice guy may be abusive, arrogant, an alcoholic emotional jerk, etc. As a result, a nice guy chooses to be the opposite of his father — loving, caring, not abusive, and avoiding conflict.

Concluding thoughts

A guy who possesses most of the traits above is a nice guy. He is unique but shares a typical life script with other nice guys.

He believes that if he is “good” and does everything “right,” he will be loved, get his needs met, and live a conflict-free life.

And because he is so concerned about being perfect or doing everything right, he tries to eliminate or hide his flaws or mistakes.

He believes others want him to be generous, helpful, and peaceful and live a problem-free life.

What are other traits you know of a nice guy?

As always, thank you for not being a nice guy.




A former nice guy here to share his experiences with the nice guys out there to stop being nice guys