Unbounce designer Clear and clever

Niche Hype
2 min readJul 13, 2017


Landing pages need to be impressive and should be able to persuade the buyers. Nobody likes just information, you need to put in extra!

If you were to buy a product and then you see the page and even though you want to invest you wouldn’t. But, this is not how marketing (digital marketing) works, you need to present your product in the best way possible so that the person who does not even need a product feels like purchasing it.

Persuade is a negative term but, it is considered to be positive term in the field of marketing!

Clear and clever, yes this how an unbounce developer & designer should try to position the product and design the page.

You may think designing the page is not so important whereas, it is you need to put in a lot of efforts to understand your target audience and then design your landing page accordingly.

The landing page needs to be very clear that is the placement, tag line, unique selling proposition and more.

It should not be packed, there shall be some white space left. The background color and font color, font size and style should be eye soothing. The contrast and call to action button should be well highlighted, which would help the visitor to move and he knows where to go next and not feel lost.

Now when we talk of clever, that is the page should have a pathway from the where the visitor should go, the placement and call to action sshould be placed properly, at times you may require them to add a few details about them, but do not make it lengthy, which may irritate them and they might feel bored and leave, this requires cleverness.

Unbounce designer should keep both the main aspects in mind, the cleverness and the clean landing page!



Niche Hype

Looking for unbounce designer? Nichehype providing the best professional unbounce designer and developer — http://www.nichehype.com/unbounce-designer/