CS373 Spring 2020: Nicholai Tukanov

Nicholai Tukanov
2 min readApr 12, 2020


What did you do this past week?

I mostly spent this past week working on assignments. I finished my Advanced Linear Algebra Exam, my Natural Language Processing assignment, and my group and I were able to implement search. Furthermore, I was trying to make decisions on grad school I should go to in the fall.

What’s in your way?

Not much is currently in my way other than COVID-19.

What will you do next week?

Regarding school, I plan to work with my group to finish up our software engineering project. I also plan on working on a paper that is due for my Russian class. Regarding life, I will have to make my decision as to what grad school I would like to attend. Furthermore, I plan to have more family time since this pandemic has caused a great deal of stress to many people that I know and love.

What was your experience of SQL?

My group has constantly been using SQLachlemy in our project. The last thing we did on the backend was to translate SQL queries into python’s SQLachlemey code. I wish that this class would have gone over SQL in the very beginning rather than waiting until we have already gotten our feet wet.

What was your experience of the ethics material?

I read it. I made some comments. I got my one point. And, I submitted it for full credit.

What made you happy this week?

This week I found out that I got into one of the grad schools that has been high on my list.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip this week is a combination of a few code-related and life-related ones.

1. When debugging, make sure to spend some time away from the code. It is extremely helpful to go for a walk, get some sleep, or just get a bite to eat. I know that in my experience, I sometimes get hunkered down and spend hours trying to find them. Taking a step back helps me come back and find better ways to track the bug down.

2. My advice is to take some time with your loved ones and go do something with them. Since we are busy people, time seems to fly. One day we are starting school, the next we are graduating and starting our full-time jobs. Which will probably result in even less time to get together with loved ones. So go out and spend some time with them. They will appreciate it and you will be able to take on the day with a better attitude.

3. Currently, there is a lot of misinformation going around about COVID-19. Be skeptical about things you are reading/hearing. Also, STAY INSIDE AND WASH YOUR HANDS!

