Nicholas Nocturne
Nicholas Nocturne

I'm an American born queer, romani gypsy millenial who happens to practice witchcraft. I like to read books on the western occult traditions, paganism and hermetic philosophy.

I spent time in college at the beginning of my twenties focusing on the United States healthcare system, but quickly became jaded and burnt out, for it wasn't something I had a passion for. Fast forward five years, and now I have a better understanding of who I am and what I truly feel passionate about: witchcraft and writing.

I wish to pursue these interests here, and write about my own practice as well as insight into trends in the occult community today. Follow and read my content for insight into occult trends, magical practices and tips from a practitioner in the 21st century.

Medium member since September 2023
Editor of Crow and Caravan
Connect with Nicholas Nocturne
Nicholas Nocturne

Nicholas Nocturne

A romany-gypsy witch and mystic, whose interests include witchcraft, occult philosophies, and paganism.