Messed Up Models: Fiddling with Feature Selection, Two Ways

Nicholas Indorf
15 min readOct 21, 2021


Regression models can quickly suffocate an unsuspecting data scientist with the loving embrace of dimensionality. You might start with an already large number of features and/or decide you need to engineer more. You might say ‘screw it’ and throw it all into Scikit-learn’s PolynomialRegression tool — it’s criminally easy to make features, especially complex features like polynomials and interaction terms. But features such as these, especially if you use all of them, are going to overfit a ton. Sure, packing a model with as many features as there are lines of code will give you a great R², but that model’s going to fit unseen data like a $2 suit. And having a generalizable model with predictive value for unseen data is frequently the point of creating a linear regression in the first place!

So, it helps to do some feature selection. Indeed, one of the most important tasks is to filter out all but the most essential features for describing the data. This will not only help cut down on your model’s overfit, but also make clearer to a non-technical audience which features actually matter.

As you might expect, there are a number of tools to vaguely bang your model into shape, and in this post, we’ll be taking a look at two different methods, courtesy of the consummate Scikit-learn:

  1. Recursive feature elimination
  2. Lasso regression, which uses regularization to bring coefficients to 0, eliminating them

To hammer home the relevance and utility of these functions, I’ll quickly run through the data cleaning and processing steps of a recent project I worked on. This should hopefully demonstrate where these functions can be useful in a real-world project. Then, I’ll give a brief introduction and a typical setup and execution, including a relevant hyperparameter for each. I’ll close with a short discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of each function.

Dataset: King County Housing Sales

This post will use much of the work I had done recently on a project that used data collected on house sales in King County, Washington. It includes homes sold between May 2014 and May 2015, gathered from King County GIS Open Data. My team wanted to build a model that would be able to predict the price of a house sale given a number of available features, such as square footage, floors, bathrooms, grade, condition, etc. The features are listed a little ways below.

Libraries: Scikit-learn, with supporting cast

As you can see below, this is mostly Scikit-learn functions, with some statsmodels stuff thrown in for visualization down the line.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

import warnings

Exploring the data & A bit of tidying

Apologies in advance, the data started out not terribly clean (as per usual with a data science project), so there is some cleaning and processing that needs to be done. Bear with me. Also, feel free to skip towards the end if you want to get to the meat of this tutorial.

data = pd.read_csv('data/kc_house_data.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 21597 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 21 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 id 21597 non-null int64
1 date 21597 non-null object
2 price 21597 non-null float64
3 bedrooms 21597 non-null int64
4 bathrooms 21597 non-null float64
5 sqft_living 21597 non-null int64
6 sqft_lot 21597 non-null int64
7 floors 21597 non-null float64
8 waterfront 19221 non-null object
9 view 21534 non-null object
10 condition 21597 non-null object
11 grade 21597 non-null object
12 sqft_above 21597 non-null int64
13 sqft_basement 21597 non-null object
14 yr_built 21597 non-null int64
15 yr_renovated 17755 non-null float64
16 zipcode 21597 non-null int64
17 lat 21597 non-null float64
18 long 21597 non-null float64
19 sqft_living15 21597 non-null int64
20 sqft_lot15 21597 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(6), int64(9), object(6)
memory usage: 3.5+ MB

As you can see, we have quite a few relevant features to use, and some not so relevant.

# dropping columns with null values for ease
data.drop(columns=['waterfront','view','yr_renovated'], inplace=True)
# dropping duplicates from the data set based on their id value.
data.drop_duplicates(subset='id', inplace=True)
# '?' is a strange value for basement size, we'll make that 0
data.loc[data['sqft_basement'] == '?','sqft_basement'] = 0.0
# orginally this data was stored as text (object),
# we transform the data type to float to use later for anaylsis
# check to ensure the "?" is now 0.0
data['sqft_basement'] = data['sqft_basement'].map(float)
# one datapoint has 33 bedrooms, which is bananas. We'll drop it
data = data[data['bedrooms'] != 33]
# exploring the distribution of the features

Some of these features (‘price’,’sqft_living’,’sqft_lot’,’sqft_above’,’sqft_basement’, ‘sqft_living15’,’sqft_lot15') look like they could use some log processing. Running a log transformation will help normalize the data for better regression analysis down the line.

#running the log transformation. creates a new data frame.
datalog = pd.DataFrame()
log_cols = ['id','price','sqft_living','sqft_lot','sqft_above','sqft_basement','sqft_living15',
for col in log_cols:
if col == 'id':
datalog[col] = data[col]
datalog[f'{col}_log'] = data[col].map(lambda x: np.log(x))

#merges the original and new dataframe
data = pd.merge(data,datalog,on='id')

Quick Note

Because some features (like the target, ‘price’) is so skewed, we’ll use log transformations of these variables, since it will be more normally distributed and thus will follow the assumptions of linear regression a bit better (residuals will be more normal as well). We’re comparing RMSE and MAE for different methods of feature selection at the end of all this so a target variable transformation isn’t really important to understand. I just wanted to mention it so you wouldn’t get too confused seeing something different.

We’ll also trim our big dataset to include only the log-transformed features and a few others.

#reducing our features to consider
rel_cols = ['price_log', 'grade', 'condition', 'sqft_living_log',
'sqft_lot_log', 'sqft_above_log', 'sqft_basement_log',
'bedrooms', 'bathrooms', 'floors', 'yr_built', 'lat', 'long', 'sqft_living15_log',
data = data[rel_cols]

Transforming Categorical Data

‘Grade’ to 4 categories: Low, Average, Above Average, and Excellent

# Lows including 3 Poor, 5 Fair and 6 Low Average
data['grade'].replace('3 Poor','Low_Grade', inplace=True)
data['grade'].replace('5 Fair','Low_Grade', inplace=True)
data['grade'].replace('4 Low','Low_Grade', inplace=True)
data['grade'].replace('6 Low Average','Low_Grade', inplace=True)

# Average including 7 Average
data['grade'].replace('7 Average','Average_Grade', inplace=True)

# Average Above including 8 Good,9 Better
data['grade'].replace('8 Good','Above_Average_Grade', inplace=True)
data['grade'].replace('9 Better','Above_Average_Grade', inplace=True)

# Excellent including 10 Very Good, 11 Excellent,12 Luxury and 13 Mansion
data['grade'].replace('10 Very Good','Excellent_Grade', inplace=True)
data['grade'].replace('11 Excellent','Excellent_Grade', inplace=True)
data['grade'].replace('12 Luxury','Excellent_Grade', inplace=True)
data['grade'].replace('13 Mansion','Excellent_Grade', inplace=True)

‘Condition’ to only 2 categories: Low-Average, and Good

# Low-Average including Poor, Fair, Average
data['condition'].replace('Poor','Low-Average_Condition', inplace=True)
data['condition'].replace('Fair','Low-Average_Condition', inplace=True)
data['condition'].replace('Average','Low-Average_Condition', inplace=True)

# Good including Good and Very Good
data['condition'].replace('Good','Good_Condition', inplace=True)
data['condition'].replace('Very Good','Good_Condition', inplace=True)

#data is better distribued when grouped
Low-Average_Condition 0.657827
Good_Condition 0.342173
Name: condition, dtype: float64

One-Hot Encoding the categorical data

Breaking out our categorical features (Condition and Grade) into individual columns using Scikit-learn’s OneHotEncoder. We’ll drop the ‘Low-Average Condition’ and ‘Average Grade’ columns to avoid multicollinearity issues

cond = data[["condition"]]
ohe = OneHotEncoder(categories="auto", handle_unknown="error", sparse=False)
cond_encod = ohe.transform(cond)
cond_encod = pd.DataFrame(
# Pass in NumPy array
# Set the column names to the categories found by OHE
# Set the index to match X_train's index
index= data.index
cond_encod.drop(columns='Low-Average_Condition', inplace=True)
grade = data[["grade"]]
ohe = OneHotEncoder(categories="auto",handle_unknown="ignore", sparse=False)
grade_encod = ohe.transform(grade)
grade_encod = pd.DataFrame(
# Pass in NumPy array
# Set the column names to the categories found by OHE
# Set the index to match X_train's index
index= data.index
grade_encod.drop(columns='Average_Grade', inplace=True)
#drops the orginal columns because the data we need is now split into columns
data = pd.concat([data, cond_encod, grade_encod], axis=1)\

Changing sqft_basement to a binomial variable “has_basement”

# replace sqft_basement with has_basement: True (1) / False (0)
data['sqft_basement_log'] = data['sqft_basement_log'].map(lambda x: 1 if x > 0 else 0)
data.rename(columns={'sqft_basement_log':'has_basement'}, inplace=True)
#an organized series showing the correlations to price
datacorr = data.corr().sort_values('price_log',ascending=False)['price_log']
datacorr = datacorr.drop(index=['price_log'])
sqft_living_log 0.674862
sqft_living15_log 0.606890
sqft_above_log 0.586223
bathrooms 0.551553
Excellent_Grade 0.480448
lat 0.447761
bedrooms 0.351601
floors 0.310337
Above_Average_Grade 0.301334
has_basement 0.207999
sqft_lot_log 0.138580
sqft_lot15_log 0.124129
yr_built 0.079685
long 0.049770
Good_Condition -0.003968
Low_Grade -0.348078
Name: price_log, dtype: float64
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))
sns.barplot(x=datacorr.values, y=datacorr.index, orient='h', color='b')
ylabels = [item.capitalize() for item in datacorr.index]
ylabels = [item.split('_') for item in ylabels]
ylabels = [' '.join(item) for item in ylabels]
ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels, size=16)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=18)
ax.set_xlabel('Correlation to Sale Price', size=18)
ax.set_ylabel('House Feature', size=18)
ax.set_title('House Feature Correlations', size=20)
# examining multicollinearity
# analyzing the highly correlated pairs
datafeat = data.drop(columns=['price_log'])
dtfc = datafeat.corr().abs().stack().reset_index().sort_values(0, ascending=False)

dtfc['col_pairs'] = list(zip(dtfc.level_0,dtfc.level_1))
dtfc['same'] = dtfc['col_pairs'].map(lambda x: (x[0] in x[1]) or (x[1] in x[0]))
dtfc['col_pairs'] = dtfc['col_pairs'].map(lambda x:sorted(list(x)))
dtfc = dtfc[dtfc['same'] == False]
dtfc.columns = ['C']


Now that we have all our features somewhat clean, let’s preprocess. First, we’ll do the standard train-test split (saving the test for validation), then make some polynomial and interaction features. Finally, we’ll scale everything so the Lasso regression can work properly.

Train-Test Split the data

#X will all of the features of the data set to analyze. "price_log" will be the target variable.
X = data.drop(columns='price_log')

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \
train_test_split(X, data['price_log'], test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

Feature Engineering

There are a few variables to work with, and as shown above, there are some multicollinearity issues. Making some polynomial features might be a way around this, while also retaining as much original information as we can (i.e. not simply removing whole columns).

We’re going to do this shotgun-style and use Scikit-learn’s PolynomialFeatures to get a whole mess of em. We’ll go a little crazy with it and go to degree = 3.

poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=3)
polycols = ['*'.join(name.split(" ")) for name\
in poly.get_feature_names(X_train.columns)] # make it look nice
X_train_poly = pd.DataFrame(poly.transform(X_train), columns=polycols,
index=X_train.index) # our monster features
X_test_poly = pd.DataFrame(poly.transform(X_test), columns=polycols,

# don't need constant term, since added later automatically
X_train_poly.drop(columns='1', inplace=True)
X_test_poly.drop(columns='1', inplace=True)
# here's Sklearn's Standard Scaler to scale all of our data to the same scale

scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train_poly_scaled = scaler.transform(X_train_poly)
X_train_poly_scaled = pd.DataFrame(X_train_poly_scaled, columns=X_train_poly.columns,
X_test_poly_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test_poly)
X_test_poly_scaled = pd.DataFrame(X_test_poly_scaled, columns=X_test_poly.columns,

Finally: Some Models

We have our training and testing data PolynomialFeature’d up and scaled now — let’s see how the two feature selection methods work out. It’s worth noting that typically, I would use cross-validation to evaluate the models, only saving the test data for the final evaluation at the end. However, for simplicity’s sake, we’ll just skip that.

First, some evaluation functions.

  • evaluate will give us the R² score, RMSE, and MAE for training and test data, so we can evaluate how the methods do with this mess of available features
  • smols will give us an ordinary least squares object that we can get a summary of, to see the coefficients
  • linpreds will give us predictions for the training and test data, to feed into evaluate
# function to evaluate the models and their predicted sale prices vs. the actual sale prices
def evaluate(y_tr, y_te, y_tr_pr, y_te_pr, log=True):
Evaluates the error between the model predictions and the real values for both
training and test sets.

y_tr - array-like
Actual values for output variable, for the training set
y_tr_pr - array-like
Predicted values for output variable, for the training set
y_te - array-like
Actual values for output variable, for the test set
y_te_pr - array-like
Predicted values for output variable, for the test set
If true,
R2 scores for Train and Test sets
RMSE for Train and Test sets
MAE for Train and Test sets
if log == True:
y_tr = np.exp(y_tr)
y_te = np.exp(y_te)
y_tr_pr = np.exp(y_tr_pr)
y_te_pr = np.exp(y_te_pr)

# residuals
train_res = y_tr - y_tr_pr
test_res = y_te - y_te_pr

print(f'Train R2 score: {r2_score(y_tr, y_tr_pr)} ')
print(f'Test R2 score: {r2_score(y_te, y_te_pr)} ')
print(f'Train RMSE: ${mean_squared_error(y_tr, y_tr_pr, squared=False):,.2f} ')
print(f'Test RMSE: ${mean_squared_error(y_te, y_te_pr, squared=False):,.2f} ')
print(f'Train MAE: ${mean_absolute_error(y_tr, y_tr_pr):,.2f} ')
print(f'Test MAE: ${mean_absolute_error(y_te, y_te_pr):,.2f} ')

# scatter plot of residuals
print("\nScatter of residuals:")
plt.scatter(y_tr_pr, train_res, label='Train')
plt.scatter(y_te_pr, test_res, label='Test')
plt.axhline(y=0, color='purple', label='0')
plt.xlabel("Predicted Price")
plt.ylabel("Residual Price")

# QQ plot of residuals
print("QQ Plot of residuals:")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sm.qqplot(train_res, ax=ax, marker='.', color='r', label='Train', alpha=0.3, line='s')
sm.qqplot(test_res, ax=ax, marker='.', color='g', label='Test', alpha=0.3)
def smols(X,y,cols=None):
Uses Linear Regression to find a best fit given desired features.

X - dataframe
Input features and values
y - array-like
Output values
cols=None - list
List of features to be included from the X dataframe
if cols == '*', run model with all columns in X.
Returns: OLS model. Use smols().summary() to view summary
if cols == '*':
return sm.OLS(endog=y, exog=sm.add_constant(X)).fit()
Xcol = X[cols]
return sm.OLS(endog=y, exog=sm.add_constant(Xcol)).fit()
def linpreds(X_tr, y_tr, X_te):
Uses Linear Regression to generate output predictions given training and test inputs.
X_tr - dataframe
Input variables and values for the training set
y_tr - array-like
Actual values for output variable, for the training set
X_te - dataframe
Input variables and values for the test set
Output (y) prediction arrays:
train, test
lr = LinearRegression(), y_tr)
return lr.predict(X_tr), lr.predict(X_te)

Baseline Understanding

The simplest model will predict the average price for all homes regardless of their features. This is the baseline model we use to compare all future models against.

train_target_mean = y_train.mean()
baseline_train_pred = [train_target_mean] * len(y_train)
baseline_test_pred = [train_target_mean] * len(y_test)
evaluate(y_train, y_test, baseline_train_pred, baseline_test_pred)Train R2 score: -0.04156839582496619
Test R2 score: -0.04468446482794208
Train RMSE: $378,961.72
Test RMSE: $368,922.27
Train MAE: $221,094.25
Test MAE: $225,202.03

Scatter of residuals:
QQ Plot of residuals:

Pretty awful model, as expected. But we’ll see how we do moving forward.

Top Correlator Only Model

As an additional point of comparison, let’s see how a model does using only the top correlated feature, sqft_living_log.

evaluate(y_train, y_test,
*linpreds(X_train[['sqft_living_log']], y_train, X_test[['sqft_living_log']]))
Train R2 score: 0.41417500685621833
Test R2 score: 0.4256008323060684
Train RMSE: $284,207.41
Test RMSE: $273,557.86
Train MAE: $168,860.59
Test MAE: $169,163.47

Scatter of residuals:
QQ Plot of residuals:

Judging by the RMSE, it’s doing better than the baseline, but not well enough to write home about. An improvement of ~100k is still pretty good though. Let’s see if what happens when we use all the polynomial features we generated…

Kitchen Sink Model

On the other end of the spectrum, let’s throw in all the features we made, for kicks. As of writing this, I haven’t run it yet, but I bet it’s going to be a mess…

Update: yup, it’s a frickin’ mess.

smols(X_train_poly_scaled, y_train, cols='*').summary()

[statsmodels summary removed due to size. It was friggin’ HUGE. So much so, Medium thought this was a 42-minute read. Important notes below.]

evaluate(y_train, y_test, *linpreds(X_train_poly_scaled, y_train, X_test_poly_scaled))Train R2 score: 0.8596637612712984 
Test R2 score: 0.7776950443871566
Train RMSE: $139,102.96
Test RMSE: $170,183.27
Train MAE: $79,449.88
Test MAE: $91,174.08

Scatter of residuals:
QQ Plot of residuals:

The fit itself ain’t half bad — as expected for the absurd number of polynomial features we threw into it. But the model does considerably better for the training better than for the test data (~20% difference). This would indicate some overfitting issues, for sure. In the smols output, many coefficients are very small, and many with significantly high p-values. This would all suggest there are a good number of coefficients we can cut. Let's dig into the point of this entire post: feature selection.

Feature Selection: aka The Point of this Entire Post

(Thank you for staying with me up to here)

We now have our data cleaned, our train/test splits preprocessed, and we have some benchmarks to compare against with the feature selection methods.

The task we have now is, at its core, to programmatically ascertain the most important features of the mountain we generated earlier. Doing this allows your model to have the truly important bits, without picking up so much of the noise in the training data. This, in turn, allows your model to be more generalizable and perform better with data it hasn’t seen before.

We’ll use RMSE as our benchmark. We want to see that RMSE is reduced enough (limiting bias), but not that the training data has a significantly lower RMSE than the test data (indicating higher variance and over-fitting). If these two requirements are true, we can feel somewhat safe that our model is trustworthy for unseen data.

Method 1: Recursive Feature Elimination

This is a handy function (documentation here) that takes a model and number of features as parameters. It’ll go through the available features and iteratively remove them, based on worst performers in any attribute you wish to set. In this case, we’ll stick with the default for ease, which is coefficient of features (smallest coefficient features are removed). Let’s choose a handful of numbers of features and get the resulting RMSEs for the train and test, to see how this does as we vary the number of included features. I’ll graph the RMSEs down below. Reminder: we have a whopping 968 features available.

nums = [300, 200, 150, 100, 50, 25, 20, 10, 5] # number of features
linreg = LinearRegression() # instantiate linear model

rfe_train_rmse = []
rfe_test_rmse = []
for num in nums: # loop through number of features
rfe = RFE(linreg, n_features_to_select=num, step=25) # remove 25 worst features at a time, y_train) # fit
rtrpred = rfe.predict(X_train_poly_scaled) # predict training y values
rtepred = rfe.predict(X_test_poly_scaled) # predict testing y values
np.exp(rtrpred), squared=False)) # rmse for training
np.exp(rtepred), squared=False)) # rmse for testing

Method 2: Lasso Regression

This method (documentation here) uses regularization to reduce the number of features. It penalizes a function for having high and/or too many coefficients and will solve for coefficient values partly by bringing some terms to 0. This function includes a hyperparameter, alpha, which determines the amount of regularization involved. We'll check out a range of magnitudes of alpha, from 10 to 0.0000001 (1e-7), corresponding to decreasing regularization strength. Again, we'll get the resulting RMSEs for train and test, and graph below.

alphas = [10, 1, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7] # number of alphas

lasso_train_rmse = []
lasso_test_rmse = []
for alpha in alphas: # loop through alphas
lasso = Lasso(alpha=alpha) # instantiate Lasso for each alpha, y_train) # fit
ltrpred = lasso.predict(X_train_poly_scaled) # predict training y values
ltepred = lasso.predict(X_test_poly_scaled) # predict testing y values
np.exp(ltrpred), squared=False)) # rmse for training
np.exp(ltepred), squared=False)) # rmse for testing


As a reminder, I have the resulting initial RMSEs from above placed here as a point of comparison for the following graphs:


  • Train RMSE: $378,961.72
  • Test RMSE: $368,922.27

Top Correlator Only (sqft_living_log):

  • Train RMSE: $284,207.41
  • Test RMSE: $273,557.86

Kitchen Sink Model:

  • Train RMSE: $139,102.96
  • Test RMSE: $170,183.27'fivethirtyeight')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.title('Recursive Feature Elimination:\n# of Features vs RMSE')
ax.set_xlabel('Number of Included Features')
ax.set_ylabel('RMSE ($)')
ax.plot(nums, rfe_train_rmse, label='train')
ax.plot(nums, rfe_test_rmse, label='test')
# test RMSE values for RFE
dict(zip(nums, rfe_test_rmse))
{300: 163226.1209247706,
200: 162327.3958798999,
150: 163561.65657735604,
100: 172228.44477506538,
50: 179321.99371104912,
25: 181287.25651190692,
20: 182580.9542072269,
10: 240234.43394588708,
5: 324390.94620213495}'fivethirtyeight')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.title('Lasso Regression:\nAlpha vs RMSE')
ax.set_xlabel('Regularization strength Alpha')
ax.set_ylabel('RMSE ($)')
ax.plot(alphas, lasso_train_rmse, label='train')
ax.plot(alphas, lasso_test_rmse, label='test')


There are a few conclusions we can draw from these charts. You might notice that for most hyperparameters we set, the test RMSE doesn’t do much better than the Kitchen Sink Model. This is acceptable because, as I mentioned, with fewer features you gain a level of trustworthiness that your model isn’t too specific to the training data and will handle unseen data well. The only exception to that is for 150, 200, and 300 features selected with RFE, which perform about $7–8k better. This is fantastic since we’re both getting rid of unnecessary features and minimizing error. I would also note though that with 300 features you start getting into overfitting territory though since the train RMSE, keeps decreasing and the test RMSE is beginning to slowly creep up.

Given we’ve found a sweet spot of features with the first method, if we wanted more specificity, the next step would be to hone in on the number of features and maybe play around with the step size. But before you completely write off Lasso, there is also one more tradeoff worth considering — computational cost. Running those two cells had a large difference in the amount of time it took to run. RFE took roughly 20 minutes at those settings, and Lasso only around 5 minutes. Definitely something to consider moving forward.

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that it only worked out that RFE was the better method in this particular case with this particular data set and procedure. Other datasets and styles of processing will probably yield vastly different results. Therefore, it’s important to remember that many feature selection methods exist. These are two common ones, and there are still others that may or may not work better.

Thank you for reading, hope this helps your Curse of Dimensionality!



Nicholas Indorf

Machine Learning Engineer & Data Zealot — Just a futuristic detective. Lover of learning, music, cooking, barbell training.