How to Overcome Challenges in a simple way!

Nicholas K. Quest
2 min readMar 3, 2020


The Champions Mojo book by Nicholas K Quest

We have all been so down with challenges, it’s no secret. However, we all have different ways to rise. And to some people it’s about reading a book, watching a movie, meditating, praying or talking to a mentor. Mentors are many everywhere and the easiest way is through books. Reading a book isn’t only to improve your life or to say your life is doing worse than others, No, it’s to enhance your life. It’s to create sparks that induce and rocket your growth further more. It is getting a side and unlock the patterns of growth.

In my times when i was wallowing in a slump i wrote a book as a way to heal, i collected hundreds of hacks and codes proven to work. The book is; The Champions Mojo. The summary of #ChampionsMojo book is to expand more of what you’ve got, not improve what you think is lacking, to rage some war and transcend beyond limitations in everyday life. One reader said they found a treasure map to discover hidden abilities in the book.

The #ChampionsMojo book is about building a defiant and curious attitude that transcends you beyond the unimaginable. Courage, optimism, discipline, hacks, codes to make you soar above current state regardless of who and where you are.

Did you get your copy or you can explain? 😆. Get a kindle copy HERE. Copies are still available in Uganda at: Aristock Booklex, Bookpoint Bugolobi Village mall, Uganda Bookshop and on amazon can be purchased here and Aventus retail in the Middle East.

Nicholas K. Quest is an Author and Transformational Trainer at Legacy Pearls Africa Ltd, also a lead Consultant with NBK-Premier Solutions Ltd, a leading business consulting firm in East Africa, Uganda.

