Automated Bot for Cryptocurrency Faucets

Nicholas Stepanov
3 min readAug 2, 2020


Cryptos Faucets logo

Cryptocurrency is currently trending and its market share of #Bitcoin #Ethereum #XRP and others is growing. With a lot of new attention and innovation in the field, many opportunities for regular people to collect cryptocurrency coins arise. One of such companies is which offers a variety of Cryptocurrency faucets which guarantee a win of $0.0003 every single hour, and the maximum possible prize of 300$ can be won with a chance of 1 to 10000. They offer BTC, ETH, XRP, ADA, TRX, USDT, USDC, NEM and STEAM coins, with each of the faucets available every hour.

Logging in to several websites every single hour can be very time consuming and does not seem like a good idea. However, with the technology available today there is no need to go through all these actions to claim your free coins every hour. Given that all of the coins collected have a good chance of increasing their value significantly over the coming years, these free cryptocurrency faucets provide a good way to collect extra income and save it for the future.

I have written a JavaScript bot which will do that for you every hour, and you can take advantage and collect the coins automatically any time your computer is running and connected to the internet. In this post I will explain how I wrote the CryptosFaucets bot and how to use it. The main requirement for successfully running the bot is having same website login credentials on all of these websites.

CryptosFaucets console_bot in action

For this bot I used Node.js and Puppeteer package for automated website testing. Having some experience working with Puppeteer and some help from StackOverflow the above bot could start working from day 1.

The Puppeteer package allows to open and navigate websites in headless mode — meaning without opening the browser windows. The page can then be manipulated using basic JavaScript commands to log in and press the roll button.

  await page.goto(websites[i])
await sleep(200)
await page.type('input[name=email]', email, {delay: 20})
await page.type('input[name=password]', pass, {delay: 20})
const element_log = await select(page).getElement('button:contains(LOGIN!)');
await page.waitForNavigation();
await autoScroll(page);
const element_roll = await select(page).getElement('button:contains(ROLL!)');
await sleep(3000);
// Get inner HTMLs
const innerReward = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.result').innerText);
const innerBalance = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.navbar-coins').innerText);
var balance = innerReward + "\nBalance: " + innerBalance;

The code above is the content of the meaty part of the bot which opens the websites and claims rewards. As you can see there is nothing complicated over here. The login credentials are entered in the appropriate field and LOGIN! button is pressed, just like with automated website testing. Once the page is logged in to the user portal, the page rolls down to see the ROLL! button and clicks it. Further, the current reward and balance are obtained from website fields to be displayed by the bot to the user.

If you are interested in using, modifying or improving the bot, please visit the Github page: . The prerequisite installations as well as use of the bot is explained in the file on project Github page. I am looking forward to collaborate and make the bot better and have it be used by more people.

To support this project, please register on Cryptos Faucets website using my referral links and start using the bot:

Currently, only the Node.js package is provided, however, the bot can be run as an application (which can be loaded on starting the system). To do that you will need to download the nwjs package and follow instructions for Windows, Linux or Mac. I am looking into creating a single executable file to make it easier to download and run the bot right away and will share more updates on project Github page.

Please support this project and get yourself some free coins any time your computer is running!

Good Luck!

