“Art Fair Philippines 2016: An experience”

Nicholle De Chavez
5 min readFeb 25, 2016


Ehxibition Gallery (Art Cube by Daniel Dela Cruz)

The art cube gallery by Daniel Dela Cruz, was one of the greatest gallery I have ever seen in the Art Fair Philippines 2016. A strange feeling is something I felt the moment I enter the gallery because of the murky atmosphere together with a frightening sounds inside. A hundreds of artworks made out of brass, is what I saw in the gallery with different kinds of sculptures and different structures. These sculptures conveys only one idea that each of us has its own horror story in our own different ways but we should not lose our faith. The gallery is also telling us that everything we see that it seems fine has its story behind them. The art cube gallery is also an eye opener for the visitors, we should overcome our fears and strengthen our faith to God, we shouldn’t be blind by material things to what is the truth because at the end of the day a consequence is waiting for us.

Special Exhibition (Mark Justiani)

This gallery was really a breathtaking. You can see everyone who visited this gallery was really amazed of how this artist (Mark Justiani) made his artworks. The never-ending works of Mr. Mark Justiani is what really amaze me, thinking of what is in the end of the artwork. This artwork is unusual because when we hear the word artwork a painting is the first thing that pops up in our mind never thought of some illusion work like Justiani has made. As I roam around, all I can see was the amazement of each and every person inside and different kinds of illusion artworks. The picture of boxes let me think of an idea of an endless exporting and importing of materials and goods happening around the world that every country in this world is connected and the reason why we adapt some of culture in the other countries and the reason of the changes happening in different countries. The picture of a cathedral conveys an idea that religion has been part of everyone’s life, that strengthening our faith in God should be endless as we live in this world. Mark Justiani’s gallery is telling us that whatever problems we encounter in life we should always choose the right path or the straight path because at the end of the day what is right will always reign.

Special Exhibition by Raffy Napay

A room filled with thread is what I saw inside the Special Exhibition by Raffy Napay, what is unusual in this exhibition is the neon color threads used in making the artworks. The picture above is all about family, the family starts with a man and a woman love each other and decided to make a family. The thread connecting each other’s heart is something that you will be amazed about, because the artwork is telling us whatever kind of person we are now today is because of our parents, that our parents are the one who build our personality because they are the first teachers in our life. It is also telling us the importance of the family that where ever we go our heart will always find its way to back to our family, especially to us, as a Filipino we always prioritize our family, we can do everything for our family because family really mean so much to us. As I leave the exhibition I have learned the importance of the family in life.

Overall vibe in the art fair

The Art Fair Philippines 2016 is exciting as I expected. I was amaze in artworks made by different artists and also in every gallery I entered because of the different concepts on how they have shown their artworks. As I roam around the fair I have seen some unexpected artworks made by different artists, that even a toothbrush or a piece of metal can be expressed as an art as long as you have a wide imagination on how you will make that an art. Some of the things I saw inspire me to be an artist just like the artists in the fair. Every person in the fair seems that they really appreciate the artworks, they take some pictures and talk to the artist. The art fair was literally held in a parking space but as you walk around, a parking space is something that I never notice because on how they organize the different booths in the fair and the air conditioned place. It was such an honor seeing different artworks and to go to a fair with well known artists not only in our country but also in the world.

