Turn ChatGPT into AutoGPT, with this Secret Prompt Design that 99% of Users Don’t Know About!

Nick T. (Ph.D.)
5 min readMay 1, 2023

What is Auto-GPT?

Auto-GPT is an open-source AI application leveraging OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model to create fully autonomous and customizable AI agents. It was released on 30th March 2023, by Toran Bruce Richards.

AutoGPT stands out from other AI tools due to its autonomous operation, which eliminates the need for users to actively guide the model to achieve their goals.

Users simply state their objectives, and the AI takes care of the rest. As a result, Auto-GPT is revolutionizing the way humans interact with AI, allowing for a more passive human role while still delivering the same or even better quality outcomes compared to other AI applications, such as ChatGPT.

How Does Auto-GPT Work?

Auto-GPT works based on an autonomous AI mechanism where the AI system creates different AI agents to meet specific tasks, which include:

  • 🏗️ Task Creation Agent: When you enter your goals on Auto-GPT, the first AI agent to interact with the task creation agent. Based on your goals, it will create a list of tasks with steps to achieve them and send it to the prioritization agent.
  • 📋 Task Prioritization Agent: After receiving the list of tasks, the prioritization AI agent ensures the…



Nick T. (Ph.D.)

Senior data scientist & trainer based in SG. Doctorate research in combining human intuition and computational approach to insights in ill-structured problems.