Perspectives on Snow DaysToday was a rare snow day for many parts of England and Wales. The wet, heavy snow stuck onto everything it landed, helped by an absence of…Mar 8, 2023Mar 8, 2023
How to live free as a bird.Cycling south, to my right, I see white limestone hills covered in olive trees and to my right, the salmon pink Adriatic sea glowing in…Aug 5, 2022Aug 5, 2022
Finding stillnessMy early alarm abruptly awakens me because I have a meeting.May 31, 2020May 31, 2020
10 things I’d like to share with you…In May 2020, during lockdown, I was asked to give a talk about my story and how I’m surviving this crisis. I called it “How to grow your…May 19, 2020May 19, 2020
53km with a free-range chicken.OK so that’s a lie. The chicken was only with me for half the journey…May 18, 2020May 18, 2020
Getting into Good Habits.April 2020: I’ve just finished day one of the Do Lectures first ever live online course called “The Keyboard CEO”.Apr 21, 20201Apr 21, 20201
What’s the best camera in the World?The clever answer to the question “what’s the best camera in the World?” is:Jul 30, 20191Jul 30, 20191
Do Lectures: was it worth it?So, this time 2 weeks ago I was driving to west Wales full of excitement, anticipation for Do Lectures 2019. This isn’t going to be a…Jul 18, 2019Jul 18, 2019
The Untold Story of the Doors of ItalyI recently spent a few hours with Ian Sanders talking about the power of storytelling and we realised we both have an appreciation of the…Apr 20, 2019Apr 20, 2019