Apex Alpha
1 min readSep 5, 2018


“ I should have used the word ‘refugee’ rather than ‘immigrant’ which is more ambiguous.”

No, you were correct the first time. Most are not refugees, but migrants.

“ The vast majority of wars in countries we receive asylum seekers are in fact a direct result of UK foreign policy over the last century at least. I suggest you do your research on this.”

OK, so show me your research on this, please.

“ UK benefits are already incredibly low.”

Compared to what and by what measure?

“ There is so much evidence for institutional racism in our educational establishment”

Well show me then.

“ You’ve made an assumption my cousin is Muslim because I said she was of half Indian ethnicity.”

Only because you talk about Muslims a lot, but yes, I take your point, most Indians aren’t Muslims. That’s why India and Pakistan became 2 separate countries.

“ I’ve never been called a Feminist Marxist before. It’s got a nice ring to it.”

It wasn’t a compliment. Feminism and Marxism are similar in that they are about appropriating money from those that earned it. In the case of Marxism, anyone above peasant level (except for the Marxist elites) and with feminism, working men (again not the elites).

In both cases, the ideology relies on an “enemy” who is then demonized.

Feminism will end the same way that Marxism does.



Apex Alpha

Unashamedly masculine. A father, entrepreneur, leader, lover… Life is short…competitive…it can be cruel and yet full of joy.. bring it on! www.apexalpha.blog