Where is the public civilization game design document?

Nick Marks
3 min readMar 3, 2023


Civilization games have been popular for decades. From the classic board game to the modern digital versions, these games offer an engaging way to explore the complexities of building a civilization. However, with the advent of AI and AR, we have the opportunity to design a new global civilization, and this should start as a collective game design document.

Imagine if all the greatest minds added their ideas on what this new game the human race plays should be. The document should cover how governance works, how we interface with knowledge using artificial intelligence using augmented reality, and how the economy works. By the time someone reads it, they should have a clear idea of what the future looks like, and we are racing towards it. Solar Punk offers some images, but we need a clear game design document that people can read and agree or disagree with.

The design document should include a vision for governance that promotes cooperation, equity, and sustainability. This governance model should consider how decisions are made and take into account personal AI’s. It should also consider how to incentivize individuals and organizations to prioritize the common good over individual gain.

The document should also address how we interface with knowledge in augmented reality. As we continue to develop new technologies, we will have access to unprecedented amounts of information. How we use this information will be critical to the success of our civilization. The document should explore how we can design interfaces that promote critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.

Finally, the design document should cover how the economy works. We need to develop an economic system that is fair, sustainable, and adaptable. It should promote innovation and creativity while ensuring that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive. This economic system should also consider how we can reduce our impact on the environment while still meeting our needs.

In conclusion, the idea of designing a new global civilization may seem like a lofty goal, but with the help of AI and AR, it is becoming increasingly feasible. The design document should be a collaborative effort that incorporates the ideas of the greatest minds from around the world. It should cover governance, augmented reality, and the economy, and by the time someone finishes reading it, they should be inspired to work towards this future. The game design document could be the blueprint for the future of our species, a roadmap towards a brighter, more equitable, and sustainable world.

