Diagnosis of chronic lung disease

Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2017

One of the negative sides of modern industrial civilization is atmospheric pollution. When a man is bound to breathe the particles of plastic, soot, metals, it is certain to badly affect the respiratory system.

In such a conditions, a possibility of quick and decent diagnostics of bronchopulmonary homeopathy on early stages becomes increasingly important. And a Health Monitor constitutes a solution.

What does the statistics say?

Even now, upper respiratory tract illnesses have entered the top three frequent sicknesses, and in near 10–15 years are really probable to become a dominate cause of death, in advance of cardiovascular pathology and oncologic processes.

A Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease has gotten most widespread — almost 80% of people with more than 5–7 years length of chronic bronchitis have this diagnosis.

Other than that, over the last decades a growing amount of researches deny the direct correlation between COPD and smoking, since a remarkable share of ill people (around 40%) had never smoked before.

Air pollution becomes the most significant cause. In addition, the problem is crucial for many people:

· Citizens are forced to live and work in polluted air of mega-cities

· Those, who drive to work from suburb, get their portion of pollutions in hours-long traffic jams.

· A part of COPD sickens accounts for people, serving in injurious conditions of work — metallurgy, coal and chemical industry, agricultural sector.

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to eliminate the negative influence of the environment. However, by means of Health Monitor, one can detect the symptoms of early stage pulmonary pathology and make preventive moves.

Why is COPD so dangerous?

A harmful effect of COPD syndrome is a lung tissue destruction. As a result, since an effective square of ventilation in lungs is decreased, a biological tissue begins to suffer oxygen deficiency. Hence, gradually a so-called “pulmonary heart” cardiovascular pathology is to be developed.

Here’s how pitiable this combination tells on a sick man:

· Decreased adaptation of organism

· Lowered tolerance of the physical exertion

· Quality of life remains wanting

· For years, cough and labored breathing attacks get more and more agonizing.

· A permanent disability is to become

Of course, COPD is not a cancer. Modern medicine fails to cure a sicken, doctors can only manage to restrain further changes.

What about diagnostics?

Naturally, it’s easier to halt the evolution of pathology on its early stages. However, the trick is that initial COPD symptom is a banal cough.

Classic methods — fluorography, X-ray plain film, CT and MRT will not detect anything. Lungs auscultation, though conducted by experienced doctor, would diagnosticate bronchitis. Spirography fails to distinguish a little changes.

And only after several years have gone, when the bronchial tree had been permanently injured, COPD is clearly seen on x-ray film and easy to detect with auscultation. Unhappily, a full regression of this pathology is out of reach yet.

As opposed to that, if the external respiration functioning is regularly checked by Health Monitor, it’s possible to track down the disease emerging. Thus, progression of the disease is probable to be completely stopped, on condition that one managed to detect its beginnings, the functioning impairment stage.

What makes the Health Monitor so remarkable?

The basic principle of how the device works is a spectrum analysis of an expired air. Pretty logical, that on the very early stages, respiratory system illnesses will unavoidably affect the gas exchange functioning.

Numerous researches have proved the fact, mentioned above. In a COPD sickens’ expired air, an increase in concentration of following substances is observed:

· Hydrogen peroxide H2O2

· Nitrogen monoxide NO

· Hyponitrous oxide NO2

· Carbon monoxide CO

The clearer pathologic process is, the more noticeable changes in these substitutes’ concentrations are.

Thanks to its unique construction, Health Monitor allows to detect the slightest alterations in concentration of gases, noted above.

Highest measuring accuracy is achieved because of an inert gas, enclosed in a discharge cell. By means of it, a whole bunch of obstacles is avoided, including water vapor — an obvious breathe component.

Compact size of the device allows to place it in any room, providing enough space for a patient as well. It may be a dispensaries, polyclinics or hospitals.

It is especially worth adding, that implementing the device in sphere of prophylactic medical examination for workers in harmful manufacturing has big perspectives. Health monitor successfully deals with a big scale screening.

If the test result allows finding out a COPD syndrome, an ill worker is less limited with his time to make positive changes.

An employer, in turn, avoids risks, related to the work incapacity cases.

How to undertake the medical test?

Hardly you could think up more safe and simple way to diagnose the COPD, than Health Monitor device. It only requires to exhale several times in an individual mouthpiece. 2–3 minutes later, the results are ready.

Expiration is even within the child’s capacity, whereas other medical procedures with children are quite troublesome. Pregnant women fell secure when tested, because, unlike roentgenologic methods, nothing is able to threaten their health and foetal.

Owing to its flawless software ad unique construction, Health Monitor appears to be a real multi-function diagnostic equipment.

All the data is digitized and kept. Hence it’s very easy to analyze and convey. And, above all — it’s simple to detect a pathology at the moment, when a harmful disease can be stopped by mere altering the occupation.

