I Don’t Think I’ve Met You Yet

My one hot trick for meeting tons of people at networking events.

Nick Saraev
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2019


I meet one hundred people every day.

Shocking? Maybe. But as someone in outside sales, it’s just part of the job.

Sometimes, ninety nine of those one hundred reject me outright. But I don’t lament over the ones that said no — I celebrate over the one that said yes.

I go to a lot of networking events. And I see a lot of people hovering around groups, awkwardly twiddling their thumbs as they muster up the courage to approach somebody and introduce themselves. This always breaks my heart, since networking events should be fun! Too often, people find them uncomfortable and scary.

Now, meeting as many people as I have has given me ample opportunity to test dozens of different approaches to starting conversations.

And there’s one approach in particular that I want to share with you today that works incredibly well in the context of networking events.

Me and my friends call it the Legendary Open, for the sole reason that we have yet to find one that delivers better results. Nothing has beaten the Legendary Open yet, and I don’t know if something ever will.



Nick Saraev
The Startup

Demystifying cutting-edge AI & tech. Writer for The Cusp. 🌎 nicksaraev.com