Why You Should Chill More

Society is getting busier, but it isn’t necessarily getting any more productive.

Nick Saraev
The Startup
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2019


Once upon a time, I thought burnout wasn’t real.

It was a few years ago, before I knew better. During this time, coworkers would often find me in the company kitchen, bragging about how little sleep I had the night before, or how many hundreds of hours a day I could work.

Like many of you, I considered myself efficient. I was the vaccine against bureaucratic overhead. I was strong; everyone else was weak.

You know where this is going, right?

I’ll spare you the details of my breakdown (or spiritual awakening, as famed researcher and author Brené Brown likes to call it), but suffice to say, it wasn’t pretty.

In hindsight, I’m happy I went through it. I learned many things during that transformative period of my life.

But the biggest lesson? You should chill more. Here’s why.

Technology is Killing You

Okay, maybe not literally, but certainly metaphorically. And I have a sneaking suspicion many of you secretly feel the same way.

First, the usual remarks — technology is sweet. We all carry miniature computers in our pockets, and…



Nick Saraev
The Startup

Demystifying cutting-edge AI & tech. Writer for The Cusp. 🌎 nicksaraev.com