RootProject’s Newest Advisors and Partners: Leaders in the Tech - Nonprofit Space

Nicholas Adams Judge
3 min readFeb 7, 2018


The author, Dr. Nicholas Adams Judge, is a political economist and cofounder of the nonprofit RootProject. The other cofounder, Chris Place, is a Y Combinator Fellow. Their pre-ICO achieved 512% of its initial goal. RootProject’s ICO runs from April 10–13, 2018. It is heavily over-subscribed and will be subject to an individual investor hard cap. Join the RootProject telegram group to learn about the currently on-going SAFT round.

With our 10-week countdown launched at the end of the Davos World Economic Forum, we are continuing to build our team of advisors. RootProject is excited to add Charles Huang, Founder of PandaPay and PANDAChain, as well as Henry Minden, Co-Founder of Constellation Labs to the list of thought leaders working with our team. Both are personal friends and well known in the cryptocurrency and nonprofit sectors.

Charles has an insatiable appetite for understanding systems and pursues holistic solutions designed to serve every interest. He has led two successful projects that have disrupted the nonprofit industry by changing the way donations are accounted for at a fraction of the cost. His natural curiosity and passion for creating will bring a fresh perspective to RootProject. Charles and I clicked over our shared interest in streamlining the public’s ability to make a difference in their community. Charles says he “can’t wait to see where we can take RootProject, through the ICO to implementing across the world. This is a truly exciting project at a time when we are seeing underserved communities marginalized at an even faster rate.”

PandaPay enables companies to accept and manage donations on behalf of nonprofits (e.g. Patagonia), while non-profits use them to save time and money on their payment processing, IRS compliance, and commercial fundraising arrangements (e.g. Meals on Wheels). PANDAchain is a blockchain-based auditing protocol for large grant making foundations to verify the spending of their grantee charities, at scale and for a fraction of the cost.

Henry and I connected through our work with The Bureau, a blockchain accelerator, and it was a natural fit to bring him on as an advisor. Henry shares an “interest in the ways that we can leverage technology as a tool to fight poverty” which is exactly what RootProject is about. He is “eager to get involved and make a difference using blockchain technology.”

Henry is the co-founder, CPO and Blockchain Scientist at Constellation Labs, a horizontally scalable distributed operating system with smart contracts as microservices. He has years of experience in product management and blockchain science and will be a valuable asset as users interact with our app and boots on the ground program.

We’ve got a lot more powerful announcements to make as we move closer to our launch date and continue to grow the robust team of advisors, friends and thought leaders who are helping to pioneer RootProject. Stay tuned. And don’t miss out: Our public sale is coming soon and space will be limited on a first come, first served basis. To learn more about RootProject, come join us and thousands of others at our telegram group.



Nicholas Adams Judge

Cofounder of the nonprofit PhD from UW-Madison. Political economy and research methods. Bostonian in New York.