No, ICO Market Caps are Not Crazy. The Reason is Basic Economics

Nicholas Adams Judge
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2017


The author, Dr. Nicholas Adams Judge, is a cofounder of RootProject. The other cofounder is Chris Place, a Y Combinator alum. Their nonprofit’s pre-ICO just passed 200% of its funding goal and is open until July 28th, 2017. An easy way to understand their model is here.

There is a misperception about the very basics of valuation in most coverage of ICOs. An eye-popping market cap number from a brand new ICO is brought up. It’s compared to some VC funded start up. The conclusion is we’re in a huge bubble and this is crypto madness. Somewhere a blogger pats himself on his back for being so clever.


Markets try to price assets on a risk-adjusted basis. They just do. They’re wrong plenty of the time. But investors are attempting to value their holdings on a risk-adjusted basis.

Think of a typical seed round. A VC firm puts in, say, $1 million for 10% of a company, effectively valuing it at $10 million. That VC firm needs the company to succeed or be bought. Most any other outcome involves the VC firm losing $1 million (that’s the key part).

The same VC firm puts in $1 million into the token of a new firm, whose token is already on exchanges. The market is sufficiently liquid such that there is a .95 probability a stop-loss order (and order to sell at a given price) will be filled. They place a stop-loss order 10% below current price levels, as they expect the asset to appreciate.

The VC’s firm’s risk is,

10% * $1 million = $100,000 +

.05 * $1 million = $50,000 (that 5% chance the currency becomes illiquid before a stop loss order kicks in. This is greatly overstating the risk from illiquidity, but let’s do that just to be safe.)

That equals $150,000 that is truly at risk. In our case, the VC firm should accept risk about 7 times the rate of that based on a start-up’s illiquid equity.

This is a simplification. There’s plenty of other basics to consider: volatility, information costs, and so on. However, the basic point that escapes people that somehow prefer traditional VC standards — MVP + traction — over ICO standards— credible founders + credible plan — remains: Asset liquidity isn’t a detail. It’s a fundamental part of the definition of value.

Personally, I welcome the crypto-begun eventual demise of the traditional VC model. I want to see the bridge between ideas and reality get shorter.

Democratization of finance — just like the democratization of governance — means the process will get messier, but better.

Read about rootproject here. Want to help use a cryptocurrency to end extreme proverty? Join the 750 people that have signed up to our Slack channel in ten days here.



Nicholas Adams Judge

Cofounder of the nonprofit PhD from UW-Madison. Political economy and research methods. Bostonian in New York.