Working with VuePress v0.10 and Tailwind CSS v0.6

Nick DeNardis
4 min readJun 23, 2018


It only takes one file to create and deploy a VuePress site. The simplicity is the beauty of the project. It’s also possible to vuepress eject and get a fully blown Vue site that compiles in components and works offline.

Sometimes you don’t need to reinvent the base template from scratch, but you want the power of a utility framework like Tailwind CSS.

Generate an initial VuePress site (assuming Mac OS)

# Install globally
npm install -g vuepress # OR yarn global add vuepress
# Create the project folder
mkdir vuewind && cd vuewind
# Create a markdown file
echo '# Hello VuePress' >

# Start writing
vuepress dev
# Open in a browser
open http://localhost:8080


Initial VuePress application

The CSS is 2.6 mb size in development mode, 20.9 kb in production.

Customizing the site

The site doesn’t do much yet, but let’s change a bit of the config:

# ./vuepress/config.jsmodule.exports = {
title: "VueWind",
themeConfig: {
nav: [
text: "VuePress",
link: ""
text: "Tailwind CSS",
link: ""
sidebar: [["/", "Home"]]

Now let’s add an initial package.json and tailwind

# Answer all the questions
npm init
# Require Tailwind as a dev dependency
npm install tailwindcss --save-dev
# Write the initial config file
./node_modules/.bin/tailwind init tailwind.config.js


Before customizing the tailwind.config.js file let’s get the base classes building into the site.

# .vuepress/override.styl@tailwind preflight;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;


To build in Tailwind it needs to be added as a postcss plugin in the config of the site.

module.exports = {
title: "VueWind",
themeConfig: {
postcss: {
plugins: [

Display some colors on the homepage

To verify Tailwind is installed correctly.

#<div class="rounded overflow-hidden md:w-3/5">
<div class="text-black bg-grey px-6 py-4 text-sm font-semibold relative shadow z-10">
<div class="uppercase mb-6">Grey</div>
<div class="flex justify-between">
<span class="font-normal opacity-75">#B8C2CC</span>
<div class="text-black bg-white px-6 py-3 text-sm font-semibold flex justify-between">
<span class="font-normal opacity-75">#FFFFFF</span>

Let’s build

# Build and start a dev server
vuepress dev
# Open the dev site
open http://localhost:8080


VuePress with Tailwind installed

Same looking site, but check out the app.js filesize now, a whopping 12.6 mb on dev!

Building for production

To see what the compiled css size is, let’s build for production.

# Build for production
vuepress build
# Install browser-sync globally to view a local server
npm install -g browser-sync
# Start a server from the '.vuepress/dist' directory
browser-sync start --server '.vuepress/dist' --files='**/*'
Chrome Network panel

In the production build of the site we’re now down to 127 kb of CSS, which is acceptable, but let’s try to push it further.

Reducing the tailwind.config.js to only what’s needed

The first place to optimize is in the tailwind.config.js file, remove everything that you do not plan on using. The Tailwind site has a pretty extensive Controlling File Size section.

VuePress with Tailwind CSS after limiting the filesize

After reducing the colors and screen sizes in this specific project, the result is a 106 kb css file, only 86 kb larger than the initial VuePress site but with all the power of Tailwind.

After deploy

Once built, deployed and served with gzip enabled, the file size is a significantly acceptable 17.1 kb.

Chrome Network tab showing a css file of 17.1 kb results for the VuePress and Tailwind static site

Filesize summary

View the source of this project:



Nick DeNardis

Minimalist. UX crafter. Library Scientist. Speaker. Realist. Web Director at @waynestate. @TEDxDetroit, @DetroitLaravel & @RefreshDetroit organizer.