Understanding Docker Volumes

Nick Jabs
3 min readOct 3, 2023

In Docker, volumes are a crucial feature for managing data persistence and sharing data between containers and the host system. Docker offers three main types of volumes: anonymous volumes, named volumes, and bind mounts. In this tutorial, we’ll explore these volume types and their use cases.

1. Anonymous Volumes

Anonymous volumes are created specifically for a single container. They are typically used when you want temporary storage that is associated with a particular container. Here are some key points about anonymous volumes:

  • Data stored in anonymous volumes will be deleted when the container stops.
  • They are automatically created by Docker and don’t need to be explicitly named.


docker run -d -v /app/data my-container

2. Named Volumes

Named volumes are a more versatile and persistent form of storage. They are platform-agnostic, meaning you can use them across different systems without worrying about file system specifics. Here are some characteristics of named volumes:

  • Data in named volumes will survive even if the container stops.
  • Named volumes must be explicitly named and can be used as a reference in multiple containers.
  • However, if you remove the container associated with a named volume, the data remains, but the reference to the data is lost.


docker run -d -v my-named-volume:/app/data my-container

3. Bind Mounts

Bind mounts are a way to share a directory from the host system with a container. Unlike volumes, bind mounts allow you to define the absolute path on your local system that you want to share. Here’s what you need to know about bind mounts:

  • Data in bind mounts is both persistent and editable.
  • You specify the host directory and the path in the container where the data will be accessible.


docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/app/data my-container

Use Cases for Docker Volumes

Now, let’s explore some common use cases for each type of Docker volume:

  • Anonymous Volumes: These are suitable for containers that require temporary storage or for scenarios where you don’t need to access the data outside of the container’s lifecycle.
  • Named Volumes: Named volumes are great for situations where you want data to persist across container restarts but don’t need it to survive container removal. Use cases include database storage, log storage, and shared configuration.
  • Bind Mounts: Bind mounts are ideal when you need to share data from the host system to the container, and you want the data to be both persistent and easily editable. They are commonly used for development environments, where code changes on the host should reflect immediately inside the container.

In summary, understanding the differences between anonymous volumes, named volumes, and bind mounts in Docker is essential for effective data management and ensuring your containers behave as expected in various scenarios.

Now that you have a good grasp of Docker volumes and their use cases, you can make informed decisions about which type of volume best suits your specific containerized applications.

Feel free to use this tutorial as a reference or adapt it for your documentation or educational purposes. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to ask.

