How ChatGPT Can Boost Your Article’s Click-Through Rates

When AI Meets Copywriting, It’s a Match Made in Heaven

Nick: The AI Guru
2 min readApr 18, 2024

Anyone publishing on Medium knows that your headline is the golden ticket to your article’s success. You could have penned the most captivating piece in the history of the platform, but without a headline that grabs attention, you might as well be writing into the void. I’ve been there, frustrated, until I discovered a neat trick with ChatGPT that merges the best of AI and top-notch copywriting techniques.

First off, I stumbled upon a website listing powerful headline formulas that are proven click magnets:

Inspired, I decided to put these formulas to the test with a twist — using ChatGPT. Here’s the experiment I ran:

I want you to give me ideas for blog posts on Medium. The ideas are related to AI. My target audience are readers who want to know more about AI in general, AI tools and productivity with AI. Be sure that the subjet can be written by anyone. I want 5 ideas with you filling the [Insert AI related topic] in those examples :

1. How To Get Rid Of [Insert AI related topic]

2. [Insert AI related topic]? Here’s How to Fix It

3. Get Rid Of [Insert AI related topic] For Good!



Nick: The AI Guru

Let me show you how to leverage AI to accelerate your career and/or to boost your productivity 💡