UAP — The Classified Briefings

There’s been much speculation regarding why Congress, after decades of silence, had decided to introduce legislation into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to address unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), and now we may know.

Nick Madrid
6 min readApr 25, 2022

In numerous interviews, Lue Elizondo has discussed the high definition videos and associated sensor data that were analyzed by the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that exhibit the five observables. There has always been speculation that congressional committees had seen high-resolution videos of UAP, yet never substantiated until now.

On April 22nd, 2022, Ryan Robbins of Post Disclosure World, interviewed Lue Elizondo. Robbins, who was highly motivated and determined to get an answer, asked Lue Elizondo, “What is Congress seeing in the classified briefings that are leading to all this legislation (National Defense Authorization Act legislation) and all this commentary?

Elizondo went on to state:

“What are they (Congress) seeing and what they are hearing is very compelling, what they are getting in some cases and certainly their staff, I know that to be a fact, are receiving high-definition videos

