Interview with

6 min readOct 10, 2018


Alice: Good morning and welcome to filmed at the beautiful NASDAQ studio here at Times Square New York. I’m Alice and I’m here with Lucce.

Lucce: Good morning Alice good morning everyone. So This morning we have a very interesting guest, he comes all the way from Toronto. And ah, he is Casey. And he is from a company called Lethean. Good morning.

Casey: Good morning, it’s a pleasure to be here. So, a little bit about our company. What we do is we offer privacy security online. It is something that we’ve noticed that there is a very big issue with security and privacy for users when they are actually going online. And, also, there’s some issues with the being inside, or not allowing users not to access data online as well. And that’s what we are really trying to do on our end.

Lucce: So how are you doing that?

Casey: What we are trying to do is we are trying to open up the internet by allowing peers or users to share their network and share themselves as an exit node. In a vpn service or virtual private network service. Allowing them to tunnel through. So, it will virtually protect you from your internet service provider as well.

Alice: So, who are your customers are, looking for your services?

Casey: So, the customers we would had looking for our services generally be ages from 15 to about 45. And users that are looking for more anonymity and privacy online.

Alice: And how did you determine that?

Casey: It’s based on market shares through other vpn network that are already established.

Alice: ok

Lucce: So you mentioned the vpn service. For people that don’t know, it is another layer that you can add to the internet service so that it hides your traffic until somewhere else that is encrypted. However, you also mentioned a crypto wallet, so, the people need to use your crypto to use the service?

Casey: Correct, they would use our crypto-currencies for the services. Everything is run through the wallet itself. So, you don’t need to download anything extra for the vpn services. Everything is already integrated in the wallet, as long as you have our coin, you have the ability to utilize the vpn service.

Lucce: The wallet is a plugin? As an extension? How did it work?

Casey: It’s a software. You will just download it on your computer it’s there it’s available as long as you have everything setup. You are ready to go.

Lucce: so, what’s difference, there are lot of vpn service provider right now, on the market. How is your service, different from. What’s the differential?

Casey: That’s a phenomenal question. So, the difference between our services and a standard vpn services is the amount of privacy and anonymity that you get. Because you are using our crypto-currency, that’s untraceable, as of as this time. The idea behind it is making sure you don’t have your information going to another person, or another entity. So when you give your credit card information, your address or your paypal to a vpn service, you are exposing yourself a little bit. At crypto-currency, you are not doing so.

Lucce: So, how the people really know that it is safe?

Casey: So, in these cases, it’s based on monero or a different type of crypt-currency that has a, an integrated technology that basically rotates your money through so it’s untraceable.

Lucce: Basically with vpn, you are hiding from, may be from the stage or hiding from internet service provider or the government. You are accessing things that you cannot access. It sorts off it hides from where you are and encrypts your data. But at the end of the day, you are always trusting that the vpn provider is not exposing the data. Because, after the vpn provider, it opens and your traffic is exposed. What is the difference between trusting a traditional vpn and using your service?

Lucce: So, when you tunnel throught, because it’s a peer to peer based. If you are tunneling to somebody else, the only information that the user gets about you is the very tail end of of your address, which is the wallet address or the software address and they see that you receive the payment. So, outside of that, they may be able to see your traffic, but they have no idea who you are.

Alice: so, you have some strategic partners, can you tell us about those?

Casey: So, we have Moon, we have Alpha Software and we have Jurassic Securities. Moon is our graphic designer, they’ve worked on tv shows on Portugal, a number of different platforms there as well. Alpha Software is our, designed our vpn and proxy services. And Jurassic Securities which is also being a an adviser to us when it comes to securing our wallet and our network services.

Alice: I’ll ask another question. Personal question. How did you get involve with this.

Casey: It was a fluke.

Alice: I like flukes. Tell us about that.

Casey: At the end of the day. I saw and I realize that I wanted my privacy. And that’s something I always been, something I really enjoy, feel personal to me. So, I saw the add for community manager and I have that type of experience before. So, I decided to apply. From there I just move my way up the ladder to be where I am today.

Lucce: Another question would be ah. You know. A lot of service providers right now are charging their services with the fiat. And, why is that you have chosen to use a crypto? For service payment. For Anonymity?

Casey: It’s because of the anonymity portion of it. But also on really fun aspect, by operating on crypto, if you allow yourself to act as an exit node in the services. You are earning crypto passively. So, you are earning the ability to utilize a vpn service for yourself and all you have to do is just allow somebody to act as or being an exit node.

Alice: That’s a benefit on your subscribers.

Casey: Absolutely.

Alice: Tell us two more benefits.

Casey: The other benefits that you will have is being able to operate as a proxy. I don’t know if you ever ended up having an issue with accessing content online? When you on an online website, it might block you.

Lucce: Because of location.

Casey: I personally just use the service to watch the World Cup because it was blocked in my location.

Alice: Oh, where were you when I needed you on that moment. I was looking for someone like you.

Lucce: So, we know you are already on an exchanges. The crypto is already on exchanges. The system is working. What are the next steps?

Casey: So, right now we are finalizing the proxy service. The next step for us is going to be bringing live the vpn services. And then garnering more exchanges. It’s because we need to be exchanges that are on willing to accept or are capable of accepting the volume of traffic that we should be receiving.

Alice: What kind of volume do you foresee on your platform?

Casey: Millions of users. Accessing our product. Polling from vpn software or vpn services from others. If we get a portion of that or the vast majority of those services.

Lucce: How many customers right now are vpn service providers?

Casey: 300,000,000 Three Hundred Million. VPN service providers. So a portion of that will bring us global and we have a ton of volume. Thank you so much for being here with me today. I appreciate it.

Alice & Lucce: It was a pleasure.

For Donations:

Lethean Coins: iz53EBEuPHBZngBjdurDR5dZa5E5nDEpxe1PF6g7VweABkq4mPEpgbkPoRv5F6EGULe1uKQZTm11tdSBYQKWVXWe14mCnGjqS

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