Published inDevLAN.iooctoDNS, GitHub Actions, Cloudflare & Digital Ocean — Redundant, Multi-cloud DNS hosting for freeSo — DNS. That ol’ thing. Without it, the internet would just not function for many — having to remember all those numbers!Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021
Published inDevLAN.ioBuilding and Releasing a Mobile App — Lessons LearntSo over the last 3 months on the Central Coast, NSW, Australia, we have been locked down and not allowed to leave the house. What better…Oct 12, 2021Oct 12, 2021
Published inDevLAN.ioBuilding Laravel 8 for Production Release with Horizon and Octane using Github ActionsSo you have built a shiny new web app and disabled personal teams, it's time to build and deploy!Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
Published inDevLAN.ioDisabling Personal Teams in Laravel 8 and JetstreamI’ve started building a new portal for work, after many iterations we have settled on Laravel 8 and Jetstream.Jul 11, 20214Jul 11, 20214
Published inDevLAN.ioHow To Deploy Ansible AWX on Ubuntu With MicroK8sI recently broke our AWX installation, which meant provisioning ground to a halt! The new version of AWX was harder to install!Apr 28, 20213Apr 28, 20213