Understanding Technology Exaptation: A Catalyst for Innovation & Creative Approaches to the Unconventional

Nick Sgobba
10 min readJun 11, 2024


Thomas Edison’s electric pen, originally designed for duplicating documents, became the first electric tattoo needle, thanks to NYC tattoo artist Samuel O’Reilly.

In biology, the term exaptation describes a trait that evolves for one purpose but is later used for another. Drawing from this concept, technology exaptation involves repurposing a technology originally developed for a specific use to serve an entirely different function. This process has proven to be a significant driver of innovation, sparking the creation of new industries and transforming existing ones. It highlights the power of human creativity and adaptability, showing how reimagining existing tools can result in profound technological and societal advancements.

Technology exaptation occurs when a device, system, or piece of software originally designed for a specific purpose finds unexpected utility in a different context. Often serendipitous, this arises not through planned design but through the novel application of existing technologies.

In-Depth Examples of Technology Exaptation

Technology exaptation has been instrumental in transforming technologies from their initially intended purposes to broader, more impactful applications. These transformations not only illustrate the concept’s relevance but also showcase the profound influence on contemporary society and industry. Here are a few examples:

  • The Internet: Originally developed as ARPANET, the Internet began as a military communication network aimed at maintaining command and control during potential disruptions, such as nuclear attacks. The transformation from a government-exclusive tool to a public utility began in the late 1980s with the introduction of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee and subsequent adoption for civilian use in the early 1990s. Today, the Internet underpins the global infrastructure for communication, commerce, and information exchange, showcasing its vast and versatile impact. It serves as a platform for innovation, enabling new business models (e.g., e-commerce, online advertising) and revolutionizing social interactions. Of course, I can keep writing about the importance of the Internet, but I already feel a bit Captain Obvious… 🙃
  • Global Positioning System (GPS): Initially developed for military navigation to provide precise location and timing information under any conditions anywhere on Earth, GPS has seen its applications expand vastly beyond its original design. By the late 1990s, GPS technology began to be embedded in civilian devices, facilitating not just navigation for drivers but also enhancing location-based services across various platforms. Today, its utility spans automotive navigation systems, emergency response services, and geotagging on social media platforms, reflecting its critical role in modern technology ecosystems and its widespread adoption across numerous sectors.
  • Blockchain Technology: Beginning as the underlying technology for Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency envisioned to provide a decentralized and secure digital payment system, blockchain technology has significantly outgrown its initial use. The transparency, security, and immutability offered by blockchain have been recognized as valuable traits in various fields, leading to its adoption beyond cryptocurrencies. In recent years, sectors such as healthcare have employed blockchain for secure patient data management, while the finance sector uses it for fraud prevention and transparent transactions. Moreover, supply chain management utilizes blockchain for tracing the authenticity and journey of products from manufacturers to consumers, demonstrating its adaptability and potential for broad societal impact.

Contemporary Relevance and Ongoing Developments

The ongoing relevance of technology exaptation is highlighted by more recent examples, particularly during global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, technologies initially developed for online collaboration and workplace productivity, such as video conferencing tools, were swiftly adapted to support remote learning and telehealth services, showcasing their flexibility and immediate impact on social connectivity and healthcare delivery.

Furthermore, in response to the global imperative of addressing climate change, technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), originally developed for consumer applications and business analytics, are being repurposed to optimize energy usage in various sectors and to model climate phenomena, which are critical to developing strategies for mitigating climate change effects. Similarly, the same can be said for use cases such as discovering new drugs.

These examples underscore the ongoing importance of technology exaptation in addressing emergent global challenges, illustrating how past innovations can find new life and new purpose, thereby driving forward the boundaries of technology and its impact on society.

Mechanisms Driving Technology Exaptation

Technology exaptation is not an isolated phenomenon but is driven by a confluence of interdisciplinary forces that facilitate the transformation and repurposing of existing technologies. This process often leverages diverse knowledge bases — synthetic, analytical, and symbolic — to foster innovative applications beyond their original scope:

  • Cross-disciplinary Application: Innovators frequently bridge distinct knowledge domains to foster exaptation. By integrating synthetic knowledge (practical, experience-based insights), analytical knowledge (scientific and technical understanding), and symbolic knowledge (creative and cultural insights), they can unlock new possibilities and applications. This interdisciplinary approach not only fuels innovation but also enables technologies to transcend their initial functional boundaries and enter new realms of utility.
  • Market Forces: Market dynamics often act as catalysts for the fusion of these knowledge bases. As markets evolve and consumer demands shift, there is a natural drive to adapt technologies using insights drawn from a mix of synthetic, analytical, and symbolic knowledge. This adaptation often leads to novel consumer experiences and broadens the technology’s impact across various sectors.
  • Research and Development: The exploratory nature of R&D activities allows firms to experiment with and combine these different types of knowledge. What often begins as a serendipitous discovery in one knowledge domain can be transformed into practical applications in another, highlighting the unpredictable yet fruitful nature of technology exaptation.

Implications for Businesses and Innovators

In today’s rapidly evolving market landscape, the ability for businesses to understand and effectively leverage technology exaptation can be a crucial determinant in maintaining a competitive edge. Companies that are receptive to the latent potentials within their existing technologies can significantly broaden their product portfolios and open up lucrative new revenue streams. It is vital for innovators to adopt a flexible approach towards product development, attentively process feedback from a wide array of user groups, and cultivate an organizational culture that is profoundly rooted in experimentation and continual learning.

Systematizing Technology Exaptation Through Advanced AI Applications

To fully leverage the potential of technology exaptation, organizations must establish rigorous and structured processes that facilitate the systematic exploration of novel applications for existing technologies. This involves the creation of interdisciplinary teams composed of experts from various fields, which can foster an environment rich in diverse perspectives and expertise. Such teams are instrumental in driving the cross-pollination of ideas necessary for innovative applications.

Semantic analysis interprets the meaning and context of language to enhance information retrieval and processing.

Moreover, intensifying technology scanning and scouting efforts is crucial. This includes deploying sophisticated AI tools capable of performing semantic analysis. These tools utilize machine learning (ML) algorithms to process and understand vast datasets, extracting meaningful patterns and relationships. By analyzing the semantic relationships between different technologies and applications, AI can help identify latent opportunities for technology exaptation that might not be immediately obvious. This capability enables companies to navigate complex technological landscapes and pinpoint emerging trends and previously unseen applications, facilitating rapid adaptation and proactive innovation.

Incorporating open innovation practices is another vital element. By embracing external ideas and innovations, companies can enrich their internal knowledge bases and accelerate their innovation processes. Open innovation not only broadens the scope of potential technological applications but also introduces fresh perspectives that can challenge conventional thinking and stimulate creative problem-solving.

By integrating these approaches, organizations can ensure they not only respond to industry changes but also proactively shape them, continuously expanding the boundaries of what is possible through innovation. This strategic framework positions companies at the forefront of their industries, prepared to capitalize on the dynamic nature of technology and market developments.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite the substantial benefits it offers, navigating the landscape of technology exaptation presents several challenges. Intellectual property (IP) rights, for instance, can become exceedingly complex as technologies straddle the lines between different industries. Additionally, companies must strategically allocate their investments, striking a careful balance between the pursuit of groundbreaking new technologies and the exploration of potential new applications for existing ones. Effective management of these challenges requires a nuanced understanding of both market dynamics and the regulatory environment, ensuring that organizations maximize their innovative capacities while adhering to legal and ethical standards.

Revolutionizing Innovation with AI-Driven Patent Analysis

The strategic analysis of patent databases to uncover technology exaptation opportunities represents a groundbreaking shift in the utilization of intellectual property. Patents, traditionally seen as mechanisms for protecting inventions, hold a wealth of detailed technical information that can be mined for insights into possible new applications and technological combinations. Employing AI algorithms to systematically analyze this data transforms the process into a dynamic tool for innovation.

AI-driven patent analysis leverages natural language processing (NLP) and ML to sift through extensive global patent databases. These AI systems are designed to detect patterns, trends, and relationships across different technologies, identifying potential areas where technologies can be adapted into new industries or applications. This automated analysis can unearth underutilized or overlooked inventions, offering a strategic advantage in the pursuit of novel innovations.

Patents: a rich source of technical details for new applications and technology insights.

This methodology does not solely rely on technological capabilities but also integrates the deep, often intuitive insights of experienced innovators. The synergy between cutting-edge AI analysis and human creativity is essential. Experienced innovators bring an understanding of market needs and potential technological applications that AI alone cannot replicate. By combining these elements, businesses can explore unconventional ways to apply existing technologies, leading to innovative products and services that open new markets and drive revenue.

Such an approach not only changes how patents are viewed — from defensive assets to springboards for innovation — but also exemplifies the essence of technology exaptation. It demonstrates a proactive, forward-thinking strategy that uses existing knowledge as a foundation for substantial, novel advancements. This strategy enables companies to not just adapt to market changes but to lead and redefine industry standards through continuous innovation and strategic foresight.

Now, spoiler… as of today, I still cannot say much, but I can’t wait to unveil what’s in store for Evalify’s products and offerings around technology exaptation and more. Seriously. Get ready to witness the #EvalifyEffect.

The Future of Technology Exaptation

Looking ahead, the role of technology exaptation in our society appears increasingly vital as we face complex global challenges such as climate change, healthcare disparities, and the need for enhanced global connectivity. As the fabric of modern technologies grows more complex and deeply interconnected, the scope for their novel applications widens substantially. This evolving landscape demands that both innovators and policymakers cultivate environments that robustly support the creative reuse and adaptive transformation of existing technologies. Such proactive encouragement is crucial for sparking continuous innovation and effectively responding to the dynamic needs of our time.

Technology Exaptation and Adjacent Possibilities

The concept of adjacent possibilities reveals the vast array of potential pathways innovation can embark upon when existing technologies are creatively combined or ingeniously modified. By delving into these adjacent possibilities, innovators can unlock distinctive solutions and applications that propel industries forward and redefine the boundaries of what is technologically possible.

The adjacent possible describes how new possibilities emerge from existing conditions and knowledge, expanding the boundaries of innovation.

This exploration is akin to navigating a labyrinth of opportunities, where each turn can lead to unexpected and transformative discoveries, thereby enriching the landscape of technology and its impact on society.

From Adjacent Possibilities to Whitespaces

Building further upon the concept of adjacent possibilities, the strategic exploration of whitespaces represents a crucial next step for innovators eager to discover and capitalize on untapped or underexplored areas within and across industries. These whitespaces are essentially gaps or overlaps in the current market landscape where existing technologies have not yet made a significant impact or have only been minimally explored. Identifying these potential voids allows organizations to direct their creative energies toward pioneering disruptive innovations that address unmet needs while also creating entirely new market segments.

This evolution from leveraging adjacent possibilities to strategically targeting whitespaces requires a deep understanding of market dynamics, coupled with a visionary approach to foreseeing future needs and technological advancements. It involves a proactive stance in anticipating the directions in which markets and technologies might evolve, thereby setting the stage for the development of groundbreaking solutions that push beyond the existing boundaries of market and technology applications. This proactive exploration serves not just to fill existing voids but also acts as a catalyst for the birth of new technological landscapes, offering novel opportunities for commercial exploitation and setting new benchmarks for industry innovation.

Closing Remarks

The exploration of technology exaptation, as detailed in this brief discussion of a genuinely complex and vast topic, not only underscores its pivotal role as a catalyst for innovation but also showcases the breadth of creative and unconventional approaches that can redefine industries. As illustrated through various examples and strategic insights, the process of repurposing existing technologies across varied contexts — whether through the ingenuity of cross-disciplinary applications, the strategic insights gained from intelligent patent analysis, or the proactive identification of whitespaces — offers a multitude of opportunities for profound technological and societal advancements.

Embracing technology exaptation allows businesses and innovators to not merely adapt to changes but to actively drive the evolution of their fields, often in directions previously unimaginable. This dynamic reimagining of the use of existing technologies challenges conventional views and continuously expands the horizons of what can be achieved. It demands not only a solid understanding of current technologies and market forces but also a visionary foresight and the courage to venture into unexplored territories.

As the world faces increasingly complex challenges — from climate change to global health crises — the need for adaptive and truly innovative thinking becomes more crucial. Technology exaptation not only offers a viable path to meet these challenges but also exemplifies a broader paradigm of innovation — one that is inherently about seeing beyond the conventional uses of technologies to their broader potential impacts.

To foster continuous innovation and effectively respond to the dynamic needs of our time, it is essential for innovators, policymakers, and business stakeholders — from startup founders to venture capital investors to corporations — to cultivate environments that robustly support the creative reuse and adaptive transformation of existing technologies. This proactive encouragement is crucial for sparking continuous innovation and ensuring that we not only respond to the needs of the present but also shape the technologies and infrastructures of the future.

Fueled by a vision that transcends traditional boundaries, the persistent pursuit of innovation will continue to drive our society forward, setting new benchmarks for what we can achieve through the inventive use of technology… and its relentless exaptation.



Nick Sgobba

Serial Inventor | Parallel Techpreneur | Chief Product Officer | AI & Patent Expert