Letting Go Of Things You Can’t Control

Nick Moffatt
2 min readMay 2, 2017


We all do it. Including myself. We all get worked up about things in life, even if they are out of our control. If you follow me on social media, or have watched my most recent YouTube video (Search Nick Moffatt) — then you know that I recently had to take my car in to get repaired. Thinking the car was under warranty, I was slightly shocked when I received a phone call saying I’d owe a couple hundred dollars. Mind you, I had been sitting inside of a Starbucks all day waiting for a phone call — that was until I got sick of watching all the hipsters study for their final exams. I then sat inside of Shoppers Drug Mart watching people’s eyes scorch as they read out their blood pressure results to their husband, who seemingly didn’t care.

It was a long day nonetheless, and the unsatisfying phone call regarding the financial hit my wallet was about to take, made it a little bit worse. But then I remembered something. I remembered vaguely watching videos about letting go of what you can’t control. Changing your perspective. So instead of looking at the day in which I just described to you as terrible. I changed my outlook. I got to spend 8 hours with my girlfriend. Talking. Coming up with future business ideas. Having a nice lunch together. I started to realize that this was out of my control. I can either be pissed off about it, or I can be grateful for the day I had — carrying that positivity through to the next day.

Look, things in life aren’t always going to go as planned. That is what makes life so exciting. If everything went smoothly, we would have no stories to tell and nothing to laugh at. I use my car situation as an example but it can go with anything in life that you can’t control. Change your perspective, change how you look at the situation. Pull the good from the bad, happy from the sad. We need to learn to be a lot more grateful for the things we do have than the things we don’t. Let go of the things you can’t control. I promise you, you’ll be a lot happier.

