RBG sent US

Nick Sones
3 min readSep 27, 2020

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, notorious RBG, doesn’t want the racist carnival barker to select her successor. May the trailblazer rest in peace, and may we have a revolution of reckoning in her honor.

It is less than 50 days until we, the people, elect a new president. We should insist on the Republican Party sticking with the precedent they set when they refused to confirm Merrick Garland. The only person, Democrats, will consider is Merrick Garland.

The person the racist carnival barker wants to replace Justice Ginsberg is, to put it mildly, a crazy individual. It appears she thinks that separation of church and state is something that doesn’t need to apply to American courts. She believes in overturning Roe v. Wade. She wants women to keep the rapist’s baby and rule that the rapist should have visitation rights. She will have no issues stripping away insurance coverage from those with pre-existing conditions, no problems with charging women more just because they are women. She is against the settled case-law that now grants two same-sex loving people the right to marry. She does not believe in climate change. Her record is clear, one of rabid radical conservatism on steroids.

It is time the Democratic Party starts fighting back harder. Some ways to hold up these hearings are simple; introduce articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, Bill Barr, and current Supreme…

