The Death, Decay and Destruction Candidate

Nick Sones
2 min readJun 29, 2020

The Russians put a bounty on American troops in Afghanistan. Donald Trump refuting the intelligence community yet again; he is trying to deceive the American public from what is going on. He cannot handle the fact that the Russians helped elect him president, and now he has to stand by as they place bounties on American lives. Donald Trump has not stood up for the American People; instead, he has stood idly by and allowed for death, decay, and destruction to come to America.

When it comes to the Coronavirus, this administration cannot be bothered to put on a mask; they cannot be bothered to listen to the science and the experts.

Donald Trump cannot be bothered with the death decay and destruction that is occurring all around him. Donald Trump brought death; he brought decay of the American body electorate. What’s worse is he knowingly brought destruction to the American polity. He refuses to condemn Russian aggression; he refuses to denounce any attack by outside actors so long as it benefits him and his death, decay, and destruction plan. When it comes to health care, Donald Trump says the landmark Affordable Care Act should be ruled unconstitutional; it’s all about death decay and destruction.

I’ve had enough of the death, decay, and destruction coming from this administration. We have an opportunity come November for a course correction, to pushback against death, decay, and destruction and restore the soul of the nation. This decision is with the people. Every one of us has a choice to make; not voting is the same as voting for the death, decay, and destruction candidate.

