Should We Ban Plastic?

Nicky Borthwick
2 min readJun 28, 2020


Lots of plastic doesn’t get recycled and ends up in the sea which can be extremely harmful to wildlife. Each year, around 100 million marine mammals are killed due to plastic pollution and this number will continue to rise if something isn’t done about it. If this doesn’t scare you enough I know what will. A few years ago research carried out by a group of scientists showed that there is actually plastic in seafood!

Plastic takes a long time to decompose. Unlike natural materials such as paper and bamboo that take weeks or months to decompose, plastic takes centuries to decompose! When plastic finally does decompose, it releases harmful chemicals into the soil which make it infertile.

Plastic is made using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are one of the leading contributors to climate change and using plastic only helps the fossil fuel industry. Lets not forget that fossil fuels are a finite resource meaning that they will eventually run out.

We need plastic for making personal protective equipment (PPE). At the moment with covid-19 happening we desperately need PPE to help us stop the spread of the coronavirus. If another pandemic was to happen and we have banned single-use plastic, what would we use?

Most people I know don’t like using single-use plastic and will feel guilty after using them which i’m sure is the same for everyone. I would like to know about your thoughts on single-use plastics. do you like them or are you like me and despise them?

Thank you for taking the time to read my essay I am sitting exams this year and hoping to get some practice using this.

