Decline of the Spoken Word

Nick Ypew
4 min readNov 15, 2018

When was the last time someone verbally told you an engaging story?

I wholeheartedly miss the days where I could listen to my grandfather spin a tale about seemingly nothing, and I would be on the edge of my seat with anticipation. It has been a long time since anyone has told me an engaging story. It’s a simple mixture between my lack of attentiveness, and a lack of confidence in public speaking that my generation generally has. Apart from paid professionals (stand up comics, professors, news personalities), I wish more people could tell an engaging story.

I miss being encapsulated by someones voice, hanging onto every word like a rock climber on the face of a mountain. Being transported to a different world, with nothing more than a few breaths of air. As I learn more about speaking, something as little as inflection or a slight pause can change how a story is perceived. Word choice, story layout, and small details are all selected on the fly, yet somehow shape into something wonderful. Something seemly put together on the spot, sounding more eloquent than I could write in an hour.

Think of the last time you traveled. I think its reasonable to assume that you took photos while you traveled, documenting your journey. Perhaps you got back home, and never looked at those photos again. Maybe you edited them, cleaned them up and made a photo gallery…

