Twitter Guide for Bang Energy: Best Practices

Nicole Cruz
4 min readOct 2, 2021


Image by me: Nicole Cruz

Bang Energy Brand Voice For Twitter

According to Twitter for Business, the quick, conversational nature of Twitter makes it a place where brands can be their most human-sounding selves (Dudley, Camila).

When it comes to the Bang Energy brand voice, especially on Twitter, we lean toward a more casual, conversational tone. Bang Energy on twitter is funny, high-energy, positive and confident. Think of Bang Energy as the frat boy of all the energy drinks, so don’t be afraid to channel your inner frat boy. Don’t be afraid to show some chaotic energy through your tweets, but always remember to stray away from anything that makes our brand sound negative.

Brand voice example.

Here are some guardrails to follow to guide your tweeting:

Twitter Quadrils for Bang Energy (Created by Nicole Cruz)

Dos and Don’ts

Now let’s discuss some important do’s and don’ts.

Do optimize the Bang Energy Twitter profile. Especially when there is a new flavor launching. This includes changing the theme of the profile to fit the theming of the new flavor campaign, adding a bio regarding the new flavor, and using the link in the bio to lead the audience to the website to purchase the product.

Profile optimization (Image created by me: Nicole Cruz)

Don’t create tweets that are too lengthy. According to, the optimal organic and promoted tweet is between 71–100 characters. This is because shorter tweets are easier to read and comprehend, and short tweets give retweeters enough room to add their own message (Shleyner, 2018).

Images by me: Nicole Cruz

Do answer back customer service-related questions. Below are the most common inquiries you will get and how to respond:

Q: Can you sponsor me/how do I become an ambassador/influencer?

A: Direct them to where they can find all the information about our influencer program as well as the application.

Q: I can’t find a specific flavor in a store near me.

A: Tell them that they can request a flavor to a store manager and remind them that all flavors are available to order at + give them a promo code for 20% off their online purchase.

Q: A complaint about a product

A: All serious complaints, direct them to email in order to get in touch with one of our customer service team members.

Community and Engagement

We touched on how to answer CRM questions on the Twitter, but sometimes you will get a question along the lines of “How many retweets for a free case of Bang?” This leads us to our last and most important do: Do engage with our community of Bangsters on Twitter! When they ask this question, give them a number of retweets or likes they need to attain and then send them their free case if they accomplish it. Don’t forget to ask them what flavor they prefer!

Engaging with our consumers on the Twitter account is our main focus for our presence on this platform. “If you focus on community building on Twitter, you will successfully create goodwill around your brand and reach more potential customers,” says digital marketing expert Sarah Feldman.

Create engagement within our Twitter community by writing tweets that foster engagement, interacting with our followers whenever it is possible, and sending direct messages and retweeting often.

Open-ended, interactive tweet that performed well.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to join the conversation. Use social listening on Twitter to see what your audience is already talking about and then tweet something pertaining to the hot topic.

But most importantly, have fun. Twitter is a light-hearted app where brands get to show up as their most authentic and human form. In my opinion, it’s the funnest platform to run as a social media professional.

Follow @BangEnergy on Twitter to see me having fun! :)


Dudley, Camilla. “How to find your brand voice on Twitter.”

Shleyner, Eddie. “The ideal social media post length: A Guide For Every Platform.” May 21, 2018.

Feldman, Sarah. Tips for Successful Community Building on Twitter for Your Brand.

