COVID-19: This is World War III

A grain of sand.
4 min readMar 25, 2020
Picture by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

This is not just a pandemic. It’s a war! It’s a war between humanity and the Coronavirus. It is either we eliminate it, or it eliminate us. It may not totally wipe out mankind, but it will hurt us very badly.

If it is not overcome, you may not die of it directly, but you most likely will be hit mentally, financially and definitely socially.

We need to overcome it!

It’s a World War

Countries involved

If we look at World War I, there are 32 countries involved.

Map created by reddit user lanson15

If we look at World War II, over 30 countries is involved.

Image from Wikimedia

If we look at the impact of COVID-19, more than 150 countries has been affected.

Picture capture from gisanddataon on 25/3/2020


In world war I, in the span of 4 years, 40 million casualties.

In world war II, in the span of 6 years, 85 million casualties.

Currently for just 3 months, the COVID-19 directly infected 400k people, and almost hitting 20k death. And look at the graph below, it is exponentially growing!

Graph from take on 25/3

Whose side are you on?

Although this war is Humanity vs Virus, every single human still have to decide either he would like to be on the Humanity side of the Virus side.

How could be one on the Virus side?

Picture by TETrebbien on Unsplash

Treat it like, this is everyone else problem and not mine.

It’s simple. Go around and mix around, and get infected. Bring the virus everywhere and infect others. Defy the government instruction, get close proximity with many people. Treat it like, this is everyone else problem and not mine.

Then without you even realizing, you’re helping the Virus win this war. You could be the agent, and you don’t even know it. The incubation period of the virus is believed to be 7–14 days, and could be longer. There could be no sign in the initial stage.

Or the way to do so is, go hoard the supermarket, get as much food as possible. Store up more than what you need for more than a year. Make other panic. Spread some fake news. Make people anxious than what is essential.

To be defense team of humanity

Picture by Specna Arms on Unsplash

Stop spreading the virus… is the best offensive weapon

To be in the army side, is actually not that hard. Just practice social distancing. Stay at home. Up keep your hygiene level to its best. Wear proper protection like mask or glove if you have to be in contact with others. Make sure your family members also follow suite.

If you could stop the virus spread to you and spread to the other, meaning you are not the Virus agent, that itself is the best offensive weapon to overcome it. Starve it, and it will die.

On top of that, share and educate others remotely to take this matter seriously. Share proper information. Provide some positive vibes to those going through hard moments. Support them.

This indirectly, is considered recruit your fellow friends to be on the human side of army. They are either there or here. So if we have one more join the camp, the enemy loose one agent.

This war is real. All of us need to play a part. All of us are in it. May God help us.

Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past. — Isaiah 26:20

