The Ultimate List of Stable Coin Projects (August, 2018)

Nicolas Arrieta
2 min readAug 12, 2018


What a stable coin is, in 1 picture.

So stable coins have been a hot topic in the cryptocurrency arena for this 2018, some have even called it “The Holy Grain of Crypto”. There´s many interesting projects out there, but no where to seize them all. Here´s a list I made when I started my research in this still emerging market. The list is not assembled in any particular order and it also includes a small description on the side.

  1. MakerDAO 150m in ICO overcollaterized with etherum.
  2. Haven 30m ICO, Australian based, uncollaterized; uses a second token and a reward system.
  3. Reserve 5m from Top VC investment, including Peter Thiel (havents shown their protocol yet...but have taken the time to criticize others)
  4. Carbon Money uses Hashgraph blockchain, and is based on the dollar.
  5. Fragments uses currency split
  6. Stasis euro backed
  7. The White Company usd-backed, focuses on high net worth individuals?
  8. DigiX signed partnership deal with makerdao. Gold-backed.
  9. SAGA I dont understand it very well, if you have more info on this project I would appreciate it.
  10. Basis 133m from top VCs, including a16crypto. Uses an algorithmic central bank made up of 3 different tokens.
  11. Tether most used stable coin to date. Transparency issues.
  12. TrueUSD Like Tether, but more transparent.
  13. BitShares
  14. Centre
  15. NuBits Apparently it was doing fail but then failed to keep its peg.
  16. Stably
  17. Kowala
  18. UsdX us backed
  19. BitCNY yuan backed
  20. One Gram gold backed
  21. Hello Gold gold-backed clearly..
  22. Gold Mint gold
  23. Ormeus Coin gold
  24. Tap! by NiceMoney (not much information on this project yet).
  25. YOU TELL ME.

So, yeah, there you have it. If you can complement this, great. Overall, around the world, there must probably around 50–100 stable coin projects..and new ones being created everyday…this a list of those that I know of…please, if you know of, or run a stable coin project yourself, feel free to contact me to add it on the list. With the speed at which the crypto space moves, its hard to stay updated on the newest upcomings..



Nicolas Arrieta

24-yr-old entrepreneur making cryptocurrencies mainstream through financial education