7 min readAug 25, 2022

20 Low Glycemic Index Foods You Should Incorporate Into Your Diet

Are you looking to lose weight, shift to a healthy lifestyle or control your blood sugar levels? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. I will share a list of 20 foods with a low glycemic index that you can add to your diet as a healthy choice.

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index is a numerical system of measuring how much of a rise in blood sugar a carbohydrate triggers–the higher the number, the greater the rise. Pure glucose has a glycemic index of 100. Foods with a glycemic index below 55 are considered low glycemic foods, while those with a glycemic index above 70 are considered high glycemic foods.

What is glycemic index?

The glycemic index was first developed in 1981 by Dr. David Jenkins and colleagues as a way to manage blood sugar in diabetes. Since then, the glycemic index has been used by health professionals and the general public alike as a tool for understanding the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar. The shorter the time duration required by a particular food to cause a spike in blood sugar, the higher the glycemic index.

In recent years, the glycemic index has been gaining popularity as a way to manage weight or control diabetes. Low glycemic foods are thought to help control hunger and promote weight loss.

Here are 20 low glycemic index foods you can add to your diet.

20 Low Glycemic Index Foods You Should Incorporate Into Your Diet

1. Almonds (Glycemic index: 0)

Almonds have a glycemic index of zero which means they are the healthiest snacks. Especially for those of us who can’t help but eat all the time. Almonds are also a rich source of antioxidants. The best thing about almonds is that you can add them to anything, or take them anywhere. Unlike peanuts, which we discuss as we go down the list, almond allergy is very rare.

2. Seeds (Glycemic index: 1)

Seed is a broad term that we have used here. Seeds include chia seeds, flex seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. They can be added to smoothies for meals or Juices. They lower blood sugar levels and increase satiety.

3. Cabbage (Glycemic index: 10)

Cabbage has a glycemic index of 10. It is a rich source of fiber. It can help prevent or manage constipation. It keeps you feeling full for longer durations of time. You can add cabbage to salads, soups, or as a replacement for flat bread.

4. Lettuce (Glycemic index: 10)

Lettuce is the go-to component of every salad, beef burger or roasted poultry. It has a glycemic index of 10 , so it is a wholesome and full filling addition to all your meals.

5. Peanuts (Glycemic index: 13)

Peanuts are a great snacks. Salted, roasted Peanuts can be a very healthy and travel friendly food item. Instead of chips, opt for a bag of Peanuts as your first step towards a healthy lifestyle. Peanut allergy is the most common food allergy that can cause an immediate anaphylactic reaction. So, please check if you have peanut allergy, in case you do, always keep an epinephrine pen on you.

6. Cauliflower (Glycemic index: 15)

Cauliflower are the healthier alternatives to potatoes. It can be added to meals, you can grind it to make bread, ( mix with some flour), you can boil them and add them to vegetable salads.

7. Avocados (Glycemic index:15)

Avocados! Avocados have a low glycemic index of around 15. They are usually added to smoothies. They are the breakfast special for healthy menus. You can eat these with boiled eggs or with brown bread.

8. Cucumbers (Glycemic index:15)

Cucumbers are the best food item on this list. They cab be added to other meals. We can eat cucumber salads with yoghurt. Cucumbers can be a lunch meal.

9. Olives (Glycemic index: 15)

Olives are great for heart health. Apart from a low glycemic index, olive oil can also be used as an alternative to other oils to prevent atherosclerosis.

10. Zucchini (Glycemic index: 15)

Zucchini us yet another healthy choice but it’s not a personal favorite of mine. Personally, I’d rather go for some other alternatives. It can be added to fish and chicken. It is also used in some salads.

11. Broccoli (Glycemic index: 15)

Broccoli is probably not the most liked food item on this list. Many people have an aversion to Broccoli but it’s not all that bad. It tastes ok especially if you add it to your vegetable salads, with some spices. You can make some smoothies while adding some fruits to make them more palatable.

12. Cherries (Glycemic index: 20)

Cherries are a delicious source of energy. They have a low glycemic index and they can put a cap on those sweet cravings. You can eat Cherries as a whole, add them to fruit salads, make smoothies or add them to oats.

13. Grapefruits (Glycemic index: 25)

Grapefruit is another juicy treat. For those of you who haven’t tried it, it does have a hint of bitterness. But after all those years of coffee, it shouldn’t be a problem. An important thing to note is that grapefruit can affect the P450 enzyme system. So, for people using medicines or drugs of any kind, please check if they have any interactions with grapefruit.

14. Barley (Glycemic index: 25)

Barley is a healthier alternative to wheat or corn flour. If you are allergic to gluten, however, barley is not for you. But for people who don’t have gluten sensitivity, this is your go to source of flour. Its nutritious and it has a low glycemic index.

15. Milk (Glycemic index: 27)

So, milk is healthy, y’all. Whole milk, non- packaged or preserved has the glycemic index of 27. You still have to use milk in moderate amounts like anything on this list. But you can add milk tour tea or coffee. And if you use skimmed milk, that’s even better.

16. Chickpeas (Glycemic index: 28)

Chickpeas may rank number 16 on my list but they still are my go-to healthy wholesome and fulfilling food choice. Chick peas can be added to salads and soups. You can literally add them to anything yogurt or rice, you can use chickpea flour to make flatbread. Keep in mind, however, that the glycemic index of 28 is for natural, organic chickpea, not the canned type.

17. Lentils (Glycemic index: 29)

Lentils are a wholesome food. They are rich in proteins and have a low glycemic index. They are a major food source in southeast Asian countries. Lentils can be boiled and used in salads or soups.

18. Pitted prunes (Glycemic index: 29)

In case you didn’t know (I didn’t), prunes are dried plums. Plums have a glycemic index of around 40 which is still a low glycemic index. But prunes are even healthier because they offer low glycemic index while keeping all the nutritional goodness intact.

19. Apples (Glycemic index: 34)

Whether you are avoiding carbs to lose weight or to control your blood sugar levels, apples have got your sweet cravings covered. Apples are sweet, juicy and healthy treats for all of us choosing to opt a healthy lifestyle. You can use apples in salads, as a snack, or in smoothies.

20. Pears (Glycemic index: 43)

Pears may have the highest glycemic index on our list, but it’s still a very low glycemic healthy food due to its high Fiber content. Pears can be eaten as a whole or in the form of a salad along with cucumbers and chickpeas. Or you can add it to any other low glycemic food mash-up.


To sum it up, the glycemic index is a useful tool for measuring the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which can be harmful for people especially diabetics. However, the glycemic index is only one factor to consider when choosing foods. Other factors, such as the amount of Fiber and fat in a food, can also affect blood sugar levels.