THE BUCKET LIST“I will lose weight.” “I will quit smoking.” “I will learn a new language.” “I will be a better partner.” “I will stop being an impulsive…Jan 20, 2019Jan 20, 2019
Raising children in a gay relationship. Yes or No?I have once read an article saying, based on a conducted study, that children raised by lesbians turned out psychologically better than…Sep 29, 2018Sep 29, 2018
Books that inspire me (Part 1)Books can make us dream. They help us escape from our daily life. They can take us on adventures. They can make us cry. They can make us…Sep 24, 2018Sep 24, 2018
Places that inspire meI am often asked how did I come up with the idea for my first novel, Magnetic Reverie, the first book in The Reverie series. It was years…Sep 24, 2018Sep 24, 2018
Living Like Livvy: A Mother’s Story about the Girl Who Refused to Be Defined by Rett Syndrome by…The story is told by the mother of sweet Livvy. I am aware that for Sarah it wasn’t easy to go through all the events again, but for me it…Apr 20, 2018Apr 20, 2018
EarphonesHaving been on earth for some decades already, I am having difficulty answering this age old question by family and friends:“What gift…Mar 26, 2018Mar 26, 2018
BarefootYou walk out of sight, Your feet barely touch the ground. I look at you, I yell, I scream, But you don’t hear, Don’t answer, Don’t stop.Mar 26, 2018Mar 26, 2018
Allow yourself to be happy“I can’t take it anymore. I feel awful. I think I am going crazy. There is no help for me. My life has no meaning.” Painful, right…Feb 2, 2018Feb 2, 2018
Live nowI woke up refreshed and happy. I began my morning ritual with gusto breakfast, coffee, some chores followed by a walk by the sea. A thought…Dec 15, 2017Dec 15, 2017
Work what you loveAlmost everyone has to work something to earn their living, right? This is how the world functions. The question is: Do we get to work what…Nov 20, 2017Nov 20, 2017